how you met

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Harry: you were on your way to the platform but couldn't find it. So you looked around to see if someone was on their way to the platform ans ypu saw a guy with glasses. You asked him for help and you and the boy talked during the trip to hogwarts. And the boy introduced him self as Harry Potter.

Ron: you were the cousin of Remus and your uncle weekliy visited the Weasley's and that's How you met Ron. Thanks to your Uncle because he introduced you to Ron.

Draco: you andhos Famliy were cloae friends. Your Famliy ofend celebrate birthday's together.

Fred: you were in Diagon alley and you were buying your wand, when all of sudden there were two gingers in the store. "you dropped a book of yours" One of the gingers said. "Thanks, i'm Y/n" you said "i'm Fred weasley" Fred said.

George: you and george were in the same year and house, but you never had the chance to meet him. So one day you got detetion and he had to. so you to started to talk and hang out together.

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