Law x Shy! Reader

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GreenR: heyya my fellas! This is my first request from @shaiva99 and I really hope you'll like it.

Law:of course they'll like it Green-ya. It's about me y'know.

GreenR: *sweatdrops* wow...ego much huh....


"Y/N!" Someone shouted from behind you."HEY!" You turn around, gripping your empty tray, and see a red headed customer. That's right, you owned a small bar at the Sabaody Archipelago lawless side, and it was really popular with pirates.

Red Head Shanks, Whitebeard, Hawkeyes, just name the guy and you probably had met him and even served him. But nothing more, because you were too shy to even talk with them, turning red every single time someone asked something from you.

"Y/N!" Someone yelled again. It was a big and bulky guy with fiery red hair held back by the pair of goggles. With him was a bunch of guys.

"Y-yes,"you whispered, face turning into fifty shades of red.

"Be nice Captain," the guy next to red head said. He had a striped mask that covered his face and long blonde hair that made him look like a lion. "Like my Captain wanted to ask can we-" but his words were cut off by his Captain, whom you had recognised as the famous rookie, Eustass Kid, yelling again.

"You!!!" He shouted towards the main door. You turned the door and saw another Supernova. Your face turned pale, you had heard what happened to the bars those two had been. Crushed is even small word for what they had done. Yup, as you guessed, it was Trafalgar Law, in his usual attire, with Shachi and Penguin, who started hitting on your waitresses as soon as they arrived.

"What? Is something wrong?" Law asked calmly. Wow, he is so cool, you thought.

"Well, you're here, so everything is wrong," Kid growled angrily and rushed towards Law, probably intending to start another fight. That's it, you thought. If they want to fight, they should do it somewhere else.

When they were face to face, you gripped your tray even tighter and stepped to them, hitting both of their heads with it as hard as you could.

"If you want to fight, do it somewhere else!!" You yelled angrily and everyone in the bar turned to you. Your face turned even redder, but now was too late to back down.

"And who are you to order me around?" Law said calmly, with a dangerous note in his voice. "Do you even know who I am?"

"I'm Y/N, the owner of that bar and if I'm not mistaken you are Trafalgar Law, Captain of the Heart Pirates." Your voice trembled little, but you were happy to say that out. What those pirates think they are, ordering everyone around?!

"So you thi-" his sentence as cut off by Sammy, your childhood friend, who helped you with the bar.

"Please leave," he said and shoved two pirates out of door, leaving you thinking he was really cool.

"Back to work," you chirped happily and went to Shachi and Penguin to ask what they wanted for drink, but since your moment of courage had ended, you did it with very crimson face and Jell-O like knees.

{Timeskip to the evening} brought to by RevolutionaryCookies

You were locking the bar's back door when you heard footsteps behind you. When you turned around you sighed, relievedly, seeing familiar face.

"Please," Sammy begged you. You knew very well what he was asking. You sighed, he had asked you to marry him dozen times already, but every time you said no.

"Alright," he growled darkly. "If I can't have you that way, looks like I have to make you become mine," with that he pressed his lips to yours, so hardly it hurt and you tried to fight back, effortlessly.

Suddenly he was gone and when you opened your E/C, teary eyes, you saw Law holding Sammy up by collar. You panted and turned red again.

Law's POV

I was wandering around the streets when I suddenly found myself at that bar again. My face turned little red, how dared that little girl hit me with a tray and order me!? But I guess it was little bit my fault too, shouldn't have picked fight with Kid and-

My thoughts were cut of by some voices coming behind the bar.
"If I can't have you that way, looks like I have to make you become mine."

I walked there and saw the guy who had threw me out of that bar sooner, trying to kiss the tray-girl. Tried, because girl was fighting back with all her might. I felt a little jealousy and anger bubbling inside me and dragged that guy away from her. Her beautyful E/C orbs were teary and stared into mine. I shook myself out of her gaze and used my Room to throw the guy into ocean.

That done I went to Y/N and helped her up. Her face turned instantly red and I smirked, she's so cute.

I sent her home, which was almost at the other side of the town, stars shining brightly upon our heads. She didn't talk very much but the silence wasn't awkward and I enjoyed it.

When we reached her house she looked away and whispered:"T-thanks f-for s-s-saving me, Mr. Law." I smirked.

"Sorry, but just thanks won't cut it," I smiled and pecked her on her soft and pink lips. Her face heated up and I walked away, waving my hand for goodbye and leaving her behind totally dumbfounded.

"See ya tomorrow Y/N-ya!"


GreenR: hope you liked it. It was the first oneshot I've ever done so.... whatever, please leave me requests, I'll even do marines if ya want...and please don't make all requests about Law. Don't get me wrong, I totally love him, but his ego is already big enough and-

Law:Green-ya! What are you still doing there!?

GreenR: oh shit! Gotta run! Bye! *runs away from Law who doesn't get what he did this time*

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