6. Ah! Toushiro?! (>_<)

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Toushiro's P.O.V:

'All of a sudden something hit the truck in the movie and Aisaka hugged me. She didn't let go of me because she was so into the movie. She probably didn't even notice that she was hugging me. I felt my cheeks heat up a little.' The movie ended and I noticed that Aisaka fell asleep. I didn't want to wake her up because she looked so peaceful in her sleep. She kind of reminded me of an angel. Beautiful, sweet, caring, and loving like an angel.

"Ahhh~Taichou you got a new girlfriend there, don't you!" said Matsumoto.

"Matsumoto, it's not that, it's just that it would be kind of rude to wake her up, don't you think?" I asked.

"Awwww, but ya'll look so cute together," she said. Man, I really wanted to get up and punch her right there. But, I couldn't afford to wake Aisaka up.

Megumi's P.O.V:

I woke up to the sound of someone yelling at someone else. I looked up and saw Toushiro's angry face. He was yelling at someone. He was yelling at that lady that was on the floor when I came in. I noticed that I was hugging something. Then I noticed that I was hugging Toushiro!

"I see you have awaken, Aisaka," he said.

"Toushiro I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hug you or sleep on you! I'm...I'm...excuse me!" I said.

My eyes were forming tears. 'That was so embarrassing. What was I thinking?' I thought as I started walking back to my house.

"Aisaka-chan, hold on! Where are you going?" asked Orihime.

"I'm going home. Where do you think I'm going?" I asked sarcastically.

"Why are you leaving?" she asked with a worried look on her face.

"Look, Orihime, I'm sorry but I just don't like being embarrassed. It felt the same way as it did that one day when the boy tricked me into liking him just to embarrass me. Everybody staring at me and laughing at me," I said as I started to leave. Orihime didn't say anything else and let me go home.

When I was walking back I think I was thinking to hard about what happened because when I stopped to look at where I was, I was in the middle of a forest. I heard something move in the bushes. I was starting to get a little scared, but I told myself to be brave. Then out of nowhere I saw a huge monster with huge claws. 'It's a hollow!' I thought. Then all of a sudden my head started to hurt and so did my body.





Why does her head hurt!?😰


What's happening!😫

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