Chapter 6

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Gabrielle P.O.V

Last night while Dani was on here date Craig gave Princeton my new number . And Prince called me . We chit chat for a couple hours . He told me a lot about him self and I told him everything about me . Then it happened me asked me to be his girl . And of course knowing me I said yes ! So Dani and Roc are official And me and Prince are Official . Today me Dani , Craig , Roc , Prince and Ray are going to the beach .

I put on my Hollister 2 piece it was super cute . Instead the bottom were boy shorts . I put my navy blue sun dress over it . Then sprinkled some water on my hair to make it wavy . I'm ready !


Danielle P.O.V

I was getting ready to go to the beach . I wore my hot pink bikini with white peace signs all over it . I put my hot pink sun dress over it . I grabbed my sandals and my shades and sunscreen . When I walked downstairs all I heard was a car honking . Of course it was Craig and Gabi waiting for me . I ran to the car a hopped in .

Craig ; took you long enough .

Me ; Shut up and drive

About 1 min later I got a text from Roc .

Spiffy_King = Roc

Spiffy_Queen = Dani

Spiffy_King ; BABEEEEEE ! Where you guys ?

Spiffy_Queen ; we're pulling into the beach parking lot right now .

Spiffy_King ; Okayy I see you .

I didn't reply I just got out the car and ran over to him and gave him a big huge and a kiss . I looked towards the water and I saw Ray and Prince swimming .

Me ; oooooo , I wanna swim !!

Took off my sandals and my sun dress and ran towards the water with Roc .

Me ; Whoaaaaa !!!

I felt strong muscular arms wrap around me .

Me ; AHHHH !

Ray ; Let play Marco Polo

Everyone except Ray ; Not it !!

Ray ; damn . Okay I'm it . MORCO !!

Everyone ; POLO

Ray ; MAR- * GCO *

??? ; ROCCC PRINCE . Heyy !

Roc & Prince ; Awwww shitt

Ray ; It's about to go down *Kevin Hart voice *

The girl that interrupted our game came running over to us with this adorable little girl .

Me ; who is she ?

Ray ; that's Roc crazy ex girlfriend and the girl walking behind her is Prince crazy ex girlfriend .

Roc ; Uh hey Naomi and Sadie

Naomi ; So you gonna introduce us ?

Roc ; uhhh you already know Ray and Craig but this is Dani my girlfriend and Gabi Prince Girlfriend

Naomi ; Hey you girls are so cute

Me and Gabi ; Thanks

Sadie ; do you guys mind if we swim with you ?

Me ; No *:)*

Even though they give me a bad vibe I said yes .

They got in the water . The little girl was in the sallow part .

We were all having fun and playing . I was on Rocs back and then I felt someone pull my hair

Me ; AHHHH !

Naomi ; opps I was trying to tap you .

* fake smiling *

Me ; sure

Roc helped me up and gave me a kiss . In the corner of my eyes I saw Naomi get mad .

Naomi ; ROCCC hey Roc can I talked to you ?

Roc ; sure

I rolled my eyes and walk over to Gabi . In corner on my eyes I was watching her . Then it happened she kissed him .


Naomi ; you ain't about that life

Me ; wanna test that theory ?

Naomi ; bring it hoe .

Before I could grab her roc pulled me away . Put with the amount of sunscreen I had on I slipped right out of his grip and charge toward her making her fall back . I was on top of her beating the shit outta her .

Me ; bitch *punch* call *kick * me *punch * a hoe *kick* on more time *kick* !

I molly whooped her ass i was dragging her all over the beach . I kept punching her till I saw blood . Everyone was trying to get me off of her . About 2 mins later I was done beating her . She had a busted lip a black eye and a broken nose

I looked at everyone and they all had shocked looks on there face except for Gabi she was laughing . Sadie help Naomi up they took the little girl and left .

Me ; never underestimate a little person . *walks to the car with things in hand * LET'S GO !!

Everyone hurried to there cars and got in . This is how I like shit .


A/N ; not the best chapter but yeah . Sorry for mistakes . I'm almost at 100 reads :)) I'm proud of myself thank you to everyone who been reading and thank you t! The people who give me feedback it helps me A LOT . Please people comment comment comment I like to read what you guys think of my story .. :))

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