Chapter 14

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Mizuki's pov:

The next day I woke up extra early and snuck out quietly. I walked slowly to a different training spot than the day before. It was a big clearing next to a small lake.

I smiled softly and decided to practice my magic for a bit since I hadn't done so for a while. I quickly felt around with both chakra and magic to make sure no one was around. After I confirmed that I took a deep breath and walked to the edge of the lake.

As a warm up I took a big ball of water and levitated it in front of me. After a few minutes I turned it an ice sculpture shaped like a dragon and I then made it shatter and dropped it back into the lake. I practiced a few spells for an hour before I decided it was enough.

I then started to practice the lightning jutsu. I made the proper handsigns and added in some chakra. All it did was make a little dragon, the length of my underarm. I sweatdropped and tried again.

And again.

And again.

In the end I became so frustrated that I added most of my chakra into the jutsu. A huge lightning dragon formed... and exploded. The sheer force threw me all across the clearing until my back painfully hit a tree.

I might've overdone it a bit.

I gave myself a little rest and then stood up painfully to head back to Tazuna's house.


I looked to my left to see Naruto stuffing his food into his mouth at a rate I didn't even know was humanly possible.

I glanced to my right to see Sasuke eat just as fast. I rolled my eyes and ate my meal slowly.


"Seconds please!" They yelled simultaneously, causing me to choke on my rice. They glared at each other and I could swear I saw lightning between them. They then continued to puke everything they had eaten so far out right next to the dinner table.

Ugh disgusting, they have no manners at all.

"Guys if you're going to barf it might be better to not eat that much" I opted subtly.

"No I'll eat." Sasuke grunted.

"I have to eat even if I have to force myself... I have to become strong quickly." Naruto said determined.

"Let me rephrase that" I smiled sickly sweet "If you barf again... well you'll see."

After a few seconds of peaceful silence Naruto decided to ruin it.

"Uhm why is there a torn picture?"

How could he be so tactless. It's obviously not a good memory.

Tazuna then explained the entire story about how he was the village hero and how he was like a father to Inari. But I noticed Inari leaving the room quietly during the story. My eyes saddened a bit.


The next day the three of us went training again. After a day of training I still couldn't do it perfectly but I at least managed to get a bigger dragon. It was a little over 1.5 metres now, but it didn't do a lot of damage. As I walked back, exhausted, I came across Sasuke and Naruto and saw they finally managed to climb the tree. They waved at me and dropped down the tree. They looked just as exhausted as I was. They could barely stand.

I slung their arms over my neck and we supported each other as we walked back.

"What's with you three? You look really dirty and tired."

Well gee, thank you Tazuna. That's exactly what a girl wants to hear everyday.

"We both climbed to the top!" Naruto fistpumped excitedly, causing all three of us to loose balance and fall. Sasuke and I glared at Naruto and the others laughed at us.

During dinner Tazuna asked us why we were still continuing the mission and Kakashi answered with some quote from a hokage or something.

"Why" Inari stood up abruptly, crying. "Why are you trying so hard that you end up like that? You can never beat Gato. Weak people will lose against strong people!"

Naruto lifted his head slightly from the table.

"Shut up. I'm not like you."

"Shut up! You don't know anything about this country and you're so nosy. It pisses me off! I'm different from you, someone who doesn't know any real pain and just laughs all the time!"

My fists tightened under the table. This kid had no idea what Naruto went through.

"Is that why you're pretending to be the main character of a tragedy and just crying? An idiot like you can just keep crying. Crybaby."

Harsh but needed.

Naruto and Inari then both walked out. I excused myself and went after Inari. I found him sitting outside and sat down beside him. He looked at me curiously but didn't say anything.

It remained quiet for a few minutes until I started talking. "You know, Naruto's words were a bit harsh but his life has been harsh as well. He grew up without even knowing his parents, he got bullied a lot but he never cries. He always remains happy." He looked at me sadly. "And he's not the only one, Sasuke for instance doesn't have any family either, but I don't know the details about that though."

"And you? Do you still have your family left?" Inari asked curiously.

I sighed "My mother died when I was born and my father blamed me for her death. Ever since she died my father loathed me. Whatever I did he never was proud of me, not even once. So I ran away from home and met some new people, they became like a second family." I smiled sadly. "But a while ago I lost them as well. You should always appreciate what you have, not what you lost. It's no use to keep living in the past."

He then stood up determined and thanked me with a hug before walking away.

"You can come out now."

Sasuke emerged from around the corner. "So you knew." He went and sat beside me. "I see you have a troublesome past as well."

"I guess I do." I replied slowly.

"Since you indirectly told me about your past it's only fair I tell you mine."

I was rather surprised but pleased nonetheless that he decided to tell me.

"My family, the Uchiha clan, was the most important clan in the village. We had our own compound where we all lived, including my family. I lived together with my mom, dad and my brother Itachi. We were all happy until one day I came home to find the entire clan killed. That night Itachi came to me, he told me he had killed everyone. He said I should hate him and become strong. So I did."

A lone tear trickled down his cheek. I grabbed his hand and gave it a little squeeze.

"Thank you for telling me." I gave him a genuine smile. He smiled back a bit.

We talked about random, more lighthearted, things for an hour or so before we decided to go to sleep.


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