Part two

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Annabeth's POV

Annabeth power-walked over to the door and opened it. Standing there, were Jason, Percy, Frank, Leo, and Piper, with Hazel in the back. "Woah. Did you guys carpool or something?" Annabeth asked. "No we just all arrived at the same time I guess." Frank answered. "Well that doesn't mean you can't have some coco! Hey RaRa! Can you make up some coco for them?"
"Sure. It'll take a minute but it will be worth it!" Reyna said walking out to the kitchen. "You call her RaRa?" Hazel asked. "Yeah. She lets me occasionally but not that often." Annabeth said. "Oh well come on in! You can't have coco if you're outside!" She said enthusiastically. All six of them came in and took care of their snow stuff and followed Annabeth to the living room. "Have a seat." Annabeth said. They all say down with chairs to spare. "You and Reyna have a very lovely house." Hazel said politely. "Thank you Hazel. It took a lot to get it but we finally got it." She said. "Well if you guys want to sit here and chat, I'm going to go help Reyna with the Hot Chocolate." She said standing. She walked out to the kitchen, humming 'Winter Wonderland' quietly to herself. "Need some help, Reyna" she asked. Reyna jumped and turned around her eyes wide with shock. "How many times have I told you not to sneak up on me like that!" Annabeth sadly looked to the ground. "16" she said. "Well to answer your question, yes I do." Reyna said straightening out. "Ok what do you need help with?" Annabeth asked. "If you could get down four more cups, that'd be great." Reyna said. Annabeth walked over to the cupboard and grabbed four cups, two at a time, and putting them down on the counter. "Anything else?" She asked. "Um..." Reyna said, pulling her thinking face up, "yes actually. Can you grab the milk, cinnamon, and marshmallows?"
"Aye, aye captain Reyna!" She said, saluting her and grabbing what she had asked for. "Here you go, ma'am." Annabeth said in a hillbilly voice. Reyna chuckled. "You are very strange" she said. "Yes I have always been. You just never noticed." Annabeth said, staring off into the distance. "I'm almost done. Can you take these to, Hazel and Frank." She said. "Wait! Here" she switched the cup on the left with a new cup. "The one on the left is for Frank. Do not mess the two up." She said, extremely serious. "Okie dokie" Annabeth said with a grin on here face, walking out to the living. "Alright let's see. This one is for Frank" she said handing him the cup in her left hand. "And this on is for Hazel" she said, handing her the other cup. "I will be right back with the rest of yours" she stated, waggling her finger in the others direction. Annabeth walked back out to the kitchen and leaned on the counter. "Are the others done yet?" She asked. "I have Pipers and Leo's done. If you take those ones out then I will finish with this one and take these two out" said pointing to the coco maker that Annabeth had gotten her for their one year anniversary. "Alright. See you when you come out" she said about to walk out the door. "Annabeth, hold on" Reyna said, stopping her Girlfriend in her tracks. "What is it, Reyna?" Annabeth said, tilting her head like she always did when she asked a question. "I-I just wanted to thank you. For your help, I mean." She said, looking her in the eye. Annabeth knew something was up, but now was not the time. "Hey that's what girlfriends are for, right?" she chuckled. She pushed the door open, walked to the living room, gave Leo and Piper their cups and told Jason and Percy that Reyna would be right out with their cups. Annabeth sat down and sipped her cup. It was surprisingly still warm. As Annabeth sipped her coco, she wondered what was on Reynas mind that bothered her so much. Reyna came out of the kitchen, handed Jason and Percy their coco, and then sat down next to Annabeth. She tried to hide her worry face when around the others. It was difficult but she had been working on it lately. They all shared personal stories from when they were little and they all talked about how they've been doing lately. Multiple times someone, (Leo) would always get everyone to sing screwed up versions of Christmas carols, which always ended in laughter. After that, they all helped decorate the Christmas tree and they let Hazel put the star on the top. That night, when everyone was in their rooms, Annabeth couldn't sleep. "Hey Reyna" she whispered. Reyna turned from her right to her left side to face her girlfriend. "You can't sleep either" she whispered back. "No I can't. It's about what you said earlier. I'm having trouble with it" she sighed. "When I said what?" Reyna asked with a confused look on her face. Annabeth sat up and tucked her feet under her. Reyna did the same. "When you thanked me for my help, I, well, I heard some worry in your voice. What's bothering you?" She asked. Reyna sighed. "I'm just worried about Nico." she said. "Why? Is there something wrong with him?" Annabeth asked. "Well I'm sure you saw how Nico barely said anything, right?"
"Yeah I did. Is he not feeling good or is it something else?" she asked, with worry in her voice too now. "Well while Will was helping me make the hot chocolate, he told me what Nico has been going through the last couple of days. Will said that he has been getting flashbacks from when he went to Tartarus and he has been waking up in the middle of the night. That's the reason why they weren't sure they would make it. I want to help them but there's nothing I can do. I just, I can't-" Reyna was cut off by Annabeth cupping her face in her hands. "Hey look at me. Look at me! It's ok. We will do what we can." Annabeth wiped the tears off of Reynas face, smiling. "We will help them as much as we can. But you can't go around crying about what you can't do. Let's just focus on what we can do, okay?" She asked. "Alright" Reyna said, relieved. Annabeth let go of her face as Reyna wiped the tears off of hers. "Now, is there anything else on your mind that you would like to tell me?" she inquired.

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