Chapter Twenty-two: Moon...

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Screams filled the royal halls, maids ran in and out of the room with bloody sheets then fresh cloths. Drops of sweat was patted off of Akia's forehead by Jalila as she used all her strength to push her child out of her womb.

"You have to keep pushing Akia," lady Adorn stated.

Akia's head tilted back in pain and exhaustion as she pushed out the head. "Ahh!"

"It's almost over," Jalila said with a smile on her face; earning a evil glare from her queen.

"Push," lady Adorn yelled.

Akia held her breath, gripped Jalila hand and the sheets, squeezed her eyes shut and pushed the baby out of her womb. After hours of long painful labor, a baby came into the world crying. Lady Adorn wrapped the fragile baby's body with a clean white cloth after cleaning the blood off.

"What gender?" Akia asked as she tried to catch her breath.


The crowd of Villagers gathered around the platform, not to see a execution, but to here the news of the child. A woman servant from the castle walked on the platform with a huge smile on her face. "A boy! A heir to the throne!"

Everyone cheered. The music started to play while the villagers danced and feast around the bomb fire to celebrate the birth of the Prince.

Theo walked in the now clean chambers to see Akia resting while their son was held by Jalila. He slowly walked towards them with glossy eyes as he looked down at his heir to see big brown eyes with a speck of green in them, mocha skin and curly silk hair. Proud of his creation, Theo carefully took his son out of Jalila arms.

"Did she pick out a name?" Theo whispered.

Jalila shook her head no. "The queen was waiting for your arrival, she fell asleep a few minutes before you walked through the door. She tried to stay up."

Theo glanced at Akia then down at their beautiful and innocent creation. "You can rest Jalila, I have him." Not taking his eyes off of the heir, Theo walked towards the window.

"Are you sure, your majesty?"


Jalila bowed before leaving out their chambers while the door slowly closed behind her. Theo looked out the window to see a faint light over the hill and the super moon illuminating his kingdom and land. "Some day, this will all be yours." He kissed his son's soft cheek; earning a soft whimper that made Theo grin from ear to ear.

"Isn't he beautiful?" Akia's faint voice asked.

Theo looked towards her with awe. "Yes, he looks just like you."

Akia chuckled then slowly sat up in bed. "I would say he looks more like you than me."

Theo sat next to her so their child can be in both of their arms. "Have you thought of any names?"

Akia stroked her child's soft head. "One. Chander it mean moon in a land called India and since he was born on the rarest stage; the super moon, it would be appropriate," Akia looked up to see her husband staring down at her. "You do not like it."

Theo shook his head. "No... I love it."

Akia took a breath of relief before hitting his arm playfully; making Chander fuss from the sudden harsh movement. His tiny fingers opened in closed as his mouth open in a yawn. "Oh my, he's so adorable." Akia gasped.

Theo chuckled lightly. "He has his moth-" suddenly interrupted from the door bursting open.

Jalila stood there panting for air as her dress was partly torn. "Your majesties, the scavengers. They've taken over the castle." The faint sound of men shouting and swords clanging in the distance made Theo stand on his feet and grab for his sword, not before giving Akia Chander.

"Take Akia through the path, it'll lead you to the gardens." Theo crossed the room to push in a stone that made a small section of the stone wall move backwards; forming a path like Theo said. "Once you get to the gardens, go to your left to the stables. Take two horses and leave. Now."

Jalila went into attention by taking Chander out of Akia's arms. "Can you walk?"

Akia nod before getting out of bed as fast as she can. Jalila grabbed a candle stick off the wall as Akia gave Theo a goodbye kiss. "I love you," Akia said.

"I love you too. Go, before its too late." The shouting grew louder. Akia hesitated before grabbing a long cloth and running behind Jalila in the dark path. Behind her, the stone wall closed and the sound of the chamber door bursting off its hinges, men shouting and swords clashing together was faint as Akia ran behind Jalila further through the path.

Once in the gardens, they made a left for the stables and got two horses. Akia got on a light brown horse before grabbing Chander and securely wrapping the cloth around her and Chander's body so she can grab the horse hair with both hands. When Jalila got on her horse, they both set off into the woods.

The harsh wind hits Akia's face as her horse went faster and faster. The same sounds of men shouting was now in the air as five men on horses came after them. Soon the horses came to a sudden stop when a huge boulder that fell in a avalanche two days ago, was blocking the rest of the path. Not knowing where to go next and with the men finally catches up to them; Akia and Jalila had no other way out but the never ending forest.

With no other choice, they took the forest on foot. Akia ran as fast as her sore body could without putting harm on the newborn child securely and safely strapped to her stomach.

Theo panted as he looked down at the only scavenger alive. He was on his knees, bleeding from his head and laughing like he was not worried about death- like he won this battle. "Oh you scums. You are all dumb like moles. Haha." The scavengers voice sounded like nails on a chalkboard. His smile was as ugly as he is.

It made Theo cringe in disgust. "What are you talking about?" Vincent, George and other knights gathered around for an answer.

"You really think we're stupid enough to charge in here without getting something or someone."

"Well yes," Vincent answered for all of them.

The scavenger shook his head and spit out blood at the king's feet. "The lovely queen, your boy and the beautiful madam. Where are they now? Can you tell me that, King Theo?" He asked with a huge toothless grin on his face.

Theo gripped his sword handle. "Where are they?"

"Ha! Probably getting fucked in the arse-" Theo's fist hit his face hard.

"Choose your words wisely," George said. "Where are they?"

The man shrugged his shoulders. "Either dead, or getting fucked-" Theo drives his sword through his heart. With a twist of his sword, Theo yanked the his weapon out.

"Send parties out to search for them, whoever find them first will get ten pounds of gold." Theo said as he walked out the throne room with Vincent and George behind him.

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