My Father Fell of the Face of the Earth

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If only Maggie was here we would have everything figured out now.  Maggie, Maggie, Maggie. Daddy’s little Maggie. Daddy’s angel that couldn’t hurt a fly. Maggie who killed the satyr that came and found us. Maggie who tried to kill me when the Titan Lord told her. Maggie.

I sighed sitting on my bunk pretending to read. Annabeth just left. She said something about seeing Percy. She really has a Romeo and Juliet love story. But her’s was more complicated with the gods and all.

I jumped down and sat next to Amy on the steps. Amy reminded me so much of Maggie. But Amy was shy and nice, complete opposite of Maggie.

Getting bored I stood up and headed in any direction. I ended up on Fireworks beach. Bella was there. I was going to approach her when I noticed that she seemed frustrated and confused. She started walking away, curious I followed her. Making sure to keep enough distance apart from us so she wouldn’t notice. 

All of a sudden she clutched her stomach and leaned over. From the sound I could tell she was throwing up. Yuck. I hate when that happens. 

“Ugh, I really need to see a doctor this is not normal” I heard her mumble to her self. She raised her hand and summoned water to wash it out.  Satisfied she started to keep on walking wiping her mouth every now and then.

She kept on walking, leaning on a tree once in a while to rest. She seemed so tiered. Weird, Bella was always one of the most athletic people here in camp. Except when she wasn’t doing anything and tripped over her own two feet.

She’s right something definitely wrong with her. EXTREMELY.

Once she was in her cabin I turned around to leave when I saw Percy and Annabeth walking this way. I quickly ran to hide.

“Are you sure it’s not some flue or something?” Annabeth’s voice said.

“Unless a flue was caused by my mom’s blue cookies I don’t think so” I know also heard Percy.

“Do you have anymore left? Those are good.”

“They’re more then good.  I love the color I think -” Annabeth cut him of before he could finish.

“Percy, focus.”

“Right, sorry”

They walked in the cabin. There sure was a lot of secrets here isn’t there? I need to find out what’s happening to Bella, pronto.

3rd  P.O.V

“My father would you like Yiaourtlou or Dolmades?” Triton asked his father looking at the menu.

“Son you need not to tell me what to order, but what appetizers are there?” Lord Poseidon looked up and grabbed the menu from Triton’s hand. He looked over the menu for a couple of minutes and settled on Tzatziki.

Lord Poseidon invited Triton to talk over the war’s plans as a distractions. But the truth was that he invited Triton as a decoy. He just didn’t want to face his daughters fury. He knew that she would think that he was just over protective. But he truly just wanted her safe.

“Hello what can I get you today?” A young waitress came over in a notebook and a pen.

“We’ll have Tzatziki and-” Poseidon got cut of by Triton.

“Actually we’ll have two of those, a plate of Yiaourtlou and a plate of Dolmades”

“Alright, anything else?” The young waitress said looking up from writing down the order.

Giving Triton a glare Poseidon continued “ Yes, we’ll have the finest wine you have”

“Sure, is that all?” she asked looking up once again.

“Yes, oh I almost forgot, I  would also like your phone number.” Triton smiled up at her giving her one of his infamous smiles.

“I’ll be right back” the waitress said blushing. She turned around and walked toward the kitchen. Triton stared after her. When she left from site he turned back to his father.

Seeing that Triton had his full attention on him he spoke again, “Triton, my son the real reason I invited you here today is to ask of you a favor”

“Father if this favor has anything to do with a young women I agree” Triton looked at his dad with a sparkle in his eye.

“Do you swear on the river Styx that you’ll do it? Because I can not tell you until you swear” All those years with Athena really paid off. She taught his many things. If he had only controlled his lust they would not be in the position they are now.

“As I said father, I swear on the river Styx that I would help you in your favor as long as their’s a fair women involved” Triton said smiling wide. Thunder crackled above. Knowing that Triton had no choice but to comply Poseidon continued.

“I need you to spy on your sister” he said. Triton looked at his father with wide eyes.

“Father -” he started but Poseidon cut him off.

“Now remember son you swore. And there’s a catch. You must be in mortal form. You must act like a demi-god.”

“What! Father this is suicide you are asking of me! You very much know how Beth is like! She will slit my throat and send me to Tartarus the first time she try’s” Triton jumped up from his seat. 

“That is why she and everyone else should be kept in the dark about this. We should be the only people in the world to know about this.” Poseidon quickly explained. Triton just looked at him like he had grown a horn in the middle of his head.

Setting money on the table Poseidon got up. “You start tomorrow” with that he left disappearing when he reached the door.

Still shocked Triton stood there with wild eyes until the waitress came back with their food.

“Here you go” She said setting down the food. She left quickly to go get the wine. Triton looked at the food and pick of a piece of he’s father’s Tzatziki  he tasted it and nodded like the taste picking up the plate he disappeared back to his fathers castle. 

So here you go : ) hoped you like it. Thank you to everyone who reviews and reads this story. Please review and tell me what you like or what you don’t like. 

***Just something I forgot to mention but will be mentioned later on Beth/Bella is a daughter of Poseidon and Minerva (Athena‘s Roman side). Half/Greek and Half/Roman. But when her mother/father switch from Roman to Greek they still think of her as their daughter.

And Beth/Bella’s Roman name is Marina that’s why when she and Hephaestus where talking in her mind he called her that and she called him Vulcan (Hephaestus Roman name). Hope it’s not too confusing. Let me know if you have any questions.

Last Chance : A Percy Jackson/Twilight CrossoverTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon