Twenty Three- Finding The Cliff

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[Minho's POV]

After I told Amelia she had the day off she instantly passed out on her bed.

I stand up,
Then I start to leave amelias room and make my way towards the homestead to get some breakfast.

When I get their almost everyone is already done,
I grab my food then go and sit by Newt,
And Gally.

"So. . ."
Newt says after I sit down,
"How's Amelia?"

"She still seems a little jumpy,
But I think she'll be ok."
I say.

"What did she do when you told her she had the day off"
Gally questions.

"She went back to sleep"
I replied.

Alby asks.

She just fell onto her bed and instantly passed out."
I said.

We sit there and eat for a little bit until Alby breaks the silence.

I almost forgot to tell you two,"
Alby says looking Newt and I,
"You guys have the day off too."

"Yes !"
I shout,
Then Alby states at me wierdly,
Days off are amazing,
Don't blame me."

Alby doesn't say anything he just keeps on staring at wierdly.

You know the ruled of days off"
Alby says looking towards me and Newt.

I say,
"Rule number 1- no teasing the people who have to work"

"Rule number 2- no pulling pranks on the other gladers"
Newt says sadly.

"Rule number 3- no stealing extra food."
Newt and I say simultaneously.

Alby says.

We sit there for a little bit and finish eating,
Then I go outside and and walk around until I feel someone tap my shoulder.

I turn around and see Amelia looking at me.

"How was your nap?"
I ask her.

She smiles and fives me 2 thumbs up,

Then she very slowly takes a crumbled piece of paper out of her pocket,
She looks at it then she cautiously hands me the paper.

"What's this"
I ask Amelia.

She nods her head towards the paper,
Oboiusly wanting me to open it,
So I do,

Where is the cliff ?

I send Amelia a strange look.

"Why do you want to know where the cliff is"
I ask her.

She shrugs her shoulders,
Then points to the piece of paper oboiusly wanting me to answer the question.

"The cliff is in the maze"
I reply sarcastically.

She crosses her arms and stares at me.

"Oh come on Amelia do you seriously think I'm going to tell you were the cliff is"
I ask.

She shakes her head back and forth then starts to walk away,
I see Newt so I run over too him.

I say,
"Amelia just asked me were the cliff is"

"Wait so she actually spoke?"
Newt asks

I roll my eyes,
"No she wrote it down but don't you think its alittle bit suspicious"

Just keep an eye on her,
And make sure she doesn't do anything stupid"
Newt says.

But right after Newt says that I look towards the doors expecting to see nothing,
But instead I end up seeing Amelia slipping out into the maze.

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