Chapter Twelve.

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{ Kayla  in MM }

{ Kayla POV }

After that night with Darius I was so ready to go school I called Draya that night crying about what happened after I promised I wouldn't waste tears, and of course she said " Fuck him that's what Desean is for the best way to get over a man is to get under a new one " she helped but she knew I wasn't that girl. My mom and dad dropped me off at the airport this morning my little brother asked me if I wanted him to beat Darius up but I told him I'd handle it. My parents told me to keep my head up and remember that it was his loss and not mine. I boarded the plane and right before we took off I got a text from Darius.

From Darius 💔:
Baby I can't believe you left without saying goodbye to me we are better than that, we can fix it I know we can I love you and you've been the only person I've loved for almost 6 years how can you just throw that away?
To Darius 💔:
I didn't throw it away you did. Goodbye Darius.

I put my phone away and put my headphones in I didn't want to think about it anymore I was excited about seeing Brandon and Leeyah they always made me feel better with their little shenanigans. My flight seemed to go by super quickly. My ride was waiting for me and I headed back to campus it was still really quiet here most people wouldn't come back until Sunday maybe even Monday but I wanted to be back I needed to be somewhere that Darius couldn't get too me my squad wouldn't be back until Sunday and it was only Friday Night  what was I supposed to do for the next day without them.

To Leeyah 👯💋💄:
Ugh hurry up and come back to campus I am SO lonely it's so quiet and boring I need you and B to come and bother me
From Leeyah 👯💋💄:
We will be there bright and early Sunday morning babe just get some rest I know you have a lot on your mind you sure you don't want me to go VA and beat up Darius cause you know I will.
To Leeyah 👯💋💄:
Haha you sound like my brother no it's not worth it I'll be fine it's his loss anyway!
From Leeyah 👯💋💄:
Always gotta take my fun ! Oh you know your little boo is back on campus he doesn't know you are there cause I didn't tell him but he came back earlier this morning something about he had work to catch up on YEAH RIGHT 😩😑 he was just tired of hearing our family talk about him settling down 😂😂😂.

Desean was here ? Well maybe I wouldn't have to be bored after all but is that the best idea to go to his apartment alone ? 

To Leeyah 👯💋💄:
Aw poor little De Jack lol he'll get it right one day won't he ? Just hasn't found the right girl he likes bad girls he needs a good one she'll keep him on his toes.
From Leeyah 👯💋💄:
I know just the girl 🤔
To Leeyah 👯💋👯:
Goodbye Aaleeyah tell Brandon I said hey B !!!

I put my phone on the charger and went to go get in the shower I think maybe I will pay Desean a little surprise visit just friends right ? Friends surprise each other don't they? I got out the shower I put on some destroyed jeans a black crop top and my Nike hoodie I slid on my Jordan's grabbed my keys I threw some leggings inside of my back I case I wanted to get comfortable. I ordered pizza when I got in my car there's one thing I know is His favorite pizza I picked up the pizza from the pizza place and drove over too his apartment I grabbed the pizza box and my bag and walked up to his door. I knocked on the door and waited patiently 3 minutes passed and nothing i knocked again and waited he still didn't answer I started to walk back to my car and I heard the door open , he was shirtless and stretching.

" Ms . Independent what are you doing here ?" I turned back around and looked him up and down I bit my lip and smiled

I held up the pizza box " I come bearing gifts I didn't know you were sleeping I'm sorry." I looked at my phone it was almost 9:30 it was kind of early for him.

" No don't worry about it i fell asleep studying come in when did you get back I didn't know you were here." He stepped aside and I stepped in the house I put the pizza in the kitchen I opened the cabinet to get plates and I felt him behind me his hand brushed against my waist and I took a deep breath. I knew the possibilities of the night did I make the right choice ?

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