Chapter 16: My sister

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Mira's POV
It's been a week since the date. The date went ok. After finding Ren, Riki and Hiro went back to the rest of the guys and Lyra. Why does she seem so familiar?

I'm currently on a mission with the rest of the girls; I moved back to the mansion yesterday. This is it! I'm almost at the treasure! I got to the painting. Examining it, I found out wasn't real. But I found a riddle on the back.

Only with cooperation.
A blast of sensation.
And a prized possesion;
Made with family love.
You will find something unique:
A reunion.
And an ungiven gift.

I took a photo of it to remember it. It didnt really rhyme but then again no one in the glori family are good with rhymes.

~Le Timeskip~
I showed te girls the riddle. And they all said that teamwork and my necklace was the key to finding it. But I have a strange feeling that it isn't all. Who else can I go to? Ren? No. Masato? No. Hiro? Maybe. Riki? Maybe... Well... They- the Black Foxes are the best idea right now.

I put on my hoodie and drove off to LRN. Putting my hood up, I step in.....


"I need your help," I say, while putting my hood down. Bam! Dramatic entrance; success! Lol. Jk.

"I know what to do," Lyra stares to the boys.

3rd POV

Lyra took out her necklace and grabbed hold of Mira's. A bright light emitted from the gems as they were connected.

"What's happening!?"
"Where are you going?!"

As the necklaces glowed, the two faded away. Slowly. Step by step. Finally there was nothing left of them, only the necklaces were proof that they lived...

Mira's POV
Lyra suddenly grabbed my necklace and joined it up with hers. Aaaaaggggghhhhhhhh! Pain ran through my body. A blast of burning sensation. It stung. All if my senses went numb.

My last thought was: a reunion between me and Lyra. My sister...

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