
            Rylee makes her way to their room, wanting to take a quick shower before meeting up with Spencer.  She is acting as if she is going on a date.  How silly is that?  Rylee mentally begins to have a conversation with herself about having a crush on a fellow roommate.

            Rylee sheds her clothes and steps into the shower, the water is hot and relaxing.  Her hand reaches out to adjust the showerhead.  A red arch of power connects from her fingertips to the showerhead and Rylee feels the sweep of a vision. 

            Rylee felt herself being pinned to a warm wall, someone, Rylee couldn’t see who, is ravishing her neck with warm lips. Her hands moved to the thick head of blonde hair and a smiling Spencer looked up at her, electric blue wisps of color peppered her hair. 


            “Oh my god,” groans Rylee, electric shivers rage through her body.  She thuds against the cool tile of the bathroom.  “Now I’m having wishful visions,” whispers the young Asian.    

            Washing and getting out of the shower as quickly as she can, Rylee makes her way into the bedroom. 

            She’s never been able to control her vision, they come when they want too, but lately, in the last few weeks the control seems to be growing.  Mostly they come to her while she sleeps, having vivid déjà vu later when the vision or dream come to be reality.   Rylee is sure that there is something missing, practice maybe, she doesn’t know.  Mostly it is flashes of the future, and there are many different versions, it is usually all boggled together.  Yet, this one is clear, as crystal.  Rylee makes a face, going to Spencer’s bed.  Kneeling there, she places her hand on Spencer’s pillow, willing her power to work.  “Come on,” growls the usually calm Rylee Scott.

            This time, the whole pillow is engulfed in a red hued flame.  Rylee’s head snaps back, a scream catches in her throat.  She is seeing Spencer underwater. 



Rocks are falling everywhere and Rylee can’t breathe.  Falling onto her back, staring up at the ceiling, trying to catch her lost breathe, Rylee’s chest heaved.  What had she been thinking about?  How Spencer had lost her leg.  Now she knows how Spencer had lost her leg.  In an accident, pinned underwater, struggling to get free, making the decision to cut off part of her mangled leg to save herself.  Rylee’s lungs expand, taking in a clean gulp of air.  “I’ll never get used to that,” promises Rylee.  She gets up, and rushes from the room to meet Spencer.


            “Where is Rylee?” asks Tegan.  They are outside, relaxing on the always perfectly manicured lawn, next to the sprawling pond.  The sky is clear, but the day seems heavy.  Two older male students are fishing in the pond, which is stocked with fish.  If you caught it, you fried it, or so is the rumor.

            “She said she has something to do,” yawns Abigail.  “God, I’m so tired.  What time are you up at this morning, Syd?  I got up and you were gone.” 

            “Early, I went for a jog,” states the young blonde.  Her having to be tested has freaked out Sydney more than she is willing to admit. 

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