Guess Who's Coming Out To Dinner?

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A/N: AU One shot where Louis comes out to his very religious grandma and it does not go well. SO MUCH FLUFF!!

Warning: Cursing, homophobic terms.


Love, F.





Louis' POV

"Mum I don't think that I can do this." I tell her and lower my head to look down at my shoes. 

"Yes you can, Lou." She tells me and gives me a quick kiss on my head. "Yes you can." She whispers quietly, gives me a small smile and walks back to the kitchen to stop the twins from kicking in each other's heads. But before she walked away I could see the fear in her eyes, maybe more sadness than fear. 

She must be so disappointed in me. 

I thought I saw a hint of disappointment in her eyes yesterday night when I told her I am gay. Even though she told me she would never change her mind about loving me, I doubt it. 

It's the second Saturday of the month October and that means that my grandma is coming to visit us, she'll stay with us for a couple of days and will then go back to Birmingham. 

My mum insisted on telling her mother about my sexuality today and I am freaking out. I haven't been this nervous in forever. 

My grandma is a lovely old lady, but she is a Christian, not a low-key Christian, no, she is very strict about what's in the bible. 

She'll hate me. Of course she will. 

How do I know that? 

Well, when I was about eleven years old, my grandma paid and unexpected visit on a Friday and a guy-friend came over to my house after school. We greeted her and went upstairs to watch a movie with the two of us. After about forty minutes into the movie, the other eleven year old and I were snuggling in bed, seriously just cuddling and nothing more. But of course, my grandma walked in to bring us cookies and something to drink and she literally dropped the tray on the ground and dragged the other boy out of my bed and forced him to go home. I screamed and cried that we weren't doing anything, I even dropped the "I like girls, I promise!" but she could care less and she left our house about ten minutes later. My mum just shook her head at me just like she did a minute before at her own mum. 

Not a word has been said about that incident after that day. 

And that was the very first time that my grandma met Harry. 

My Harry.

After that day we only went to his house because I insisted on it. He didn't mind whose house we'd go to because he wasn't hurt or scared by my family. 

"I don't care as long as we can be together." He had told me back then. 

Of course "Together" as in "just friends". Because the both of us didn't really think about the fact that it's a bit weird to snuggle up next to your other guy-friend and not have romantic feelings for them. We did have feelings for each other, yes, we just didn't know that yet. 

We admitted our feelings for each other about four years later when we were fifteen. It was by far the scariest thing I had ever done in my life back then. He asked me to come over for the weekend when his parents weren't home, so I did. We watched movies all night long and then he kissed me on my lips. We hadn't done that before, we did cuddle and kiss on the cheek but this was new for both of us. When we broke the kiss apart we were both kind of shocked and we didn't say anything. We just continued watching the movie and making jokes about the horrible acting. The day after, when we were eating breakfast with just the two of us, I asked him what the kiss was about and he blushed so much it hurt my cheeks from smiling so much at him. He just looked down at his food, yes, still blushing, so I got up and walked to the other side of the table and kissed him again. 

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