Another Way Out

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(By Hollywood Undead. Suggested by @TheMischieviousFan (Thank you!)
I'll let you know when have I put my own fan art here, cause I am planning on that. This is still not mine. ~G)

Wilford's POV

"I'm GoInG tO wIn!!"

"Nah ah!!! I am!!!

"nOoOoOoO!!! i Am!!!!!"

I was in Mark's apartment, playing Mario Bros with Mark.

 Judge me, I don't care.

 I might be a murderer.

 I might have lost almost all of my sanity.

 But I love me some video games.

 It's a trait in all of us Ipliers. (We are never able to resist.) 

Plus, I had no one to play with, so I decided, for old time's sake, that I should be kind, let Mark go, and just hang out with my creator for a while in his living room.

Then my tum–tum got the rumblies, and I get an idea.
"Hey, after I beat your ugly tush, you wanna go get pizza?" I offered.
"Hey! My tush is not ugly! And there's still no way you can defeat ME!, the Great Markiplier!!!!" (Just imagine he said it as if he was Papyrus ~G)
"Uh-huh. sUuUuRe. Do you still want to?"
"Ok! Where?" Mark said, his eyesight still glued to the screen.

"..........FrEdDy FaZbEaR's.........."
(Cue in the picture! ~G)

He tensed up.

"Hahaha... Great joke."
'It's not real; it's just a video game.' Mark though.
(YeS, i CaN rEaD mInDs. WeLl, NoT oFtEn. ~W)
"Seriously, where Wilford?"

'You don't believe me? You'll see in a bit.'
I flicked his ear.
"I'm not kidding, dOoFuS. I could totally get us there! It'll be GrEaT!"
He paused the game.
"It's not real. It's just a video game."
I smiled. "sUrE iT Is ReAl!! I've been there a couple of times; don't worry, the anamatronics are actually pretty great, once you TrUlY get to know them! Just don't bring your nightguard costume; that will make the anamatronics super suspicious of you, which can result of getting you KiLlEd."

"Ah shucks! Thank you so much for the advice and offer, but I'll rather pass the chance of getting killed by those freeky deeky anamatronics who are possessed by killer ghost children. And don't even get me started on the BABY!!!!" Mark said sarcastically. 'There's no way that it's real —And even if it WAS—nope. There's no way I'm going!'

'Ha! As if you have a choice.'

"Alright then. I'll make a DeAl. We'll play Mario Maker until one of us looses. AnD...... It has to be one of Ross's levels. If I complete a level less than your timing, I get to take you to FrEdDy'S. If I don't—"
"I don't go, and I get to call you a llloooooossssseeeerrrr!!!" He said while putting and L-sign on his forehead.
'Man, he's a goner if they find him and he acts like that.'
"Sure, whatever. But I'm totally going to beat you!!!!"
"Nope!!!! NEVER!!!!!"

And just my friendly Irish luck (*wink*), I won. "WeLl, LeT's Go GeT PiZza!!!"
'He's totally bluffing..... Is he?' Mark thought.

"A dEaL's A dEaL, mArKiMoO. tAke My HaNd, AnD wE sHaLl Go."
Mark hesitated, but eventually took it. Glittery pink mist started to circle us and loop around our joined hands. I could feel his heartbeat get faster.

'You'll see who's bluffing nOw! >:3) '

Dark's POV

I left (y/n) sleeping on my couch, and left to go make a room for her in my cabin. I snapped my fingers, and the whole cabin disappeared (except for (y/n) on the couch. Duh.) I snapped my fingers again, and made a 3D green grid map appear.
(Imagine this as if we're using Sims. ~G)
I stroke my scruffy chin pensively.
"...Let's see......"

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