Chapter 17: Stubborn

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I didn't care, but I really wanted to beat Scarlet's ass. I wanted to drop kick her ass. When I saw her, her back was facing me and I tapped her shoulder.

She turned around and scowled, "What??"

"'Oh, Autumn's fake bitch, she'll rather push someone off their roof than help them', bitch, you used your secret and tried to turn it on me as an example, who does shit like that?!" I yelled.

"Don't even act like you're the damsel in distress," she claimed.

"Oh, says the person who can't fess up, you pushed them off, you ran, and left your 'friend' to deal with it, putting them in jail, I'm surprised that your 'friend' didn't rat you out yet, but I might," I declared as I started to turn.

She grabbed my shoulder and spun me around, "What??" I said, irritated.

"You're not a friend," she said.

"We're at each other's throats at the moment, remember?? Or are you too busy pushing people off their roofs?? Get your hand off my shoulder," I shrugged her hand off.

I continued, "Well, if I wasn't a friend, why would I keep your secret for four months? You might have pushed me off my roof."

"You piece of-"

I cut her off, "What?? Shit??" I laughed and said, "Yeah, keep that up."

"You got Mr. Peny locked up, Vera and Carrie locked up, and Elena expelled, so you're gonna get me locked up and expelled too??"

I shrugged and laughed, "Maybe."

I turned and walked away, feeling a bit lighter. Then I realized, Scarlet could tell everyone her secret and say it was me who pushed that person off the roof. Since she told everyone that I would push someone off their roof, I should tell her secret.

Someone tapped me on the shoulder, I turned around. It was Scarlet, glaring at me, "Don't tell anyone my secret."

"Why shouldn't I? You told everyone I was a bitch and rather push someone off their roof than help them," I said.

"Don't do it," she said between gritted teeth.

"Why shouldn't I?"

"Someone in this school is hates me and if you say something, they'll know it's me," she pleaded.

She had that sorry look in her eyes and when she had that look, I knew she was telling the truth.

"Fine, I won't," I huffed.

"Thanks." I walked away, then I realized just because I couldn't tell her secret doesn't mean I can't spread rumors about someone else and that person would be Lenia, one of the girls that Elena was with.

I went up to a random guy and girl and whispered the rumor, they glanced at me like I was crazy.

The girl said, "Is that true??"

"Yeah, Maris told me."

Maris and Lenia didn't like each other, so it was more believable. They went off and told other people.

In third period, everyone was talking about it. "Yes, Lenia is a hoe, she slept with half of the basketball team, Harold, Neal, Peter, Drake, Lewi, Robbie, Gerald, and Jace."

Jace, really?? Now wonder he's so desperate to go out with me, just for me to be another check off his list. Maris sat in the back of the class, taking credit for what I did. Great for you!

"Yes she is a splat!" Maris said.

She joined in the conversation. Mr. Dames was writing on the board when the door flew open. Everyone stopped what they were doing and saw Lenia stomp into view and shout, "Maris, what the fuck?! I didn't sleep with anybody!" Maris stood up and slapped her in the face.

They fell as they started punching each other. Mr. Dames and somebody broke them up and sent them to the office.

"Don't be talking shit and think you're not gonna your ass whooped, shut the fuck up, that's all," Lenia said as they put her out of the classroom.

The class was quiet and Mr. Dames continued teaching. The bell rang and I walked out of the classroom, I saw Jett waiting for me by the lockers.

"Vera is going to be sentenced to three years," she told me.

I laughed and said, "She'll be eating those baloney sandwhiches like Mr. Peny and Carrie."

Out of nowhere, somebody was slammed into my locker and was being punched like crazy. It was Josh being beat up by Jace. I thought they were friends, oh well. I shurgged my shoulder and kicked them out of my way, they rolled a couple of feet away and I got my books out.

Jett glanced at me and laughed, "You kicked them and they didn't notice."

I laughed and they stopped fighting. "Autumn, go out with me," Jace pleaded.


Scarlet walked by me and Jett pulled her to the side.

"We're going to the bathroom, let's go Scarlet," Jett hissed.

We followed her inside, but Scarlet and I weren't talking.

"Talk to each other, you guys are friends," she pleaded.

"Were," Scarlet replied, "You keep on hanging this secret on my head."

"Well, you should've checked on them before you left," I said.

"Enough!" Jett shouted.

Scarlet walked out of the bathroom, Jett pulled me and we followed her. Scarlet stopped in the middle of the hallway. "I don't care, we're not friends!" she shouted.

"She's just a bitch," I concluded.

"Both of you are bitches!" Jett shouted and continued, "She's a bitch and you're a bitch!"

"Well, that's true," Scarlet said.

"I'm done with you selfish, crazy, stubborn ass bitches," Jett muttered. She stormed down the hallway, leaving us with each other.

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