18 - Hello Brother

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"If you say so." I replied. 


I woke up the next morning seeing my brother sitting at the couch, watching TV, when someone knocked on the door. 

"I'll get it." Will says. 

He opens the door and see that Chase and Jace are standing in front of him. 

"If it isn't my favorite twins! Jace, Chase, come in!" My brother exclaims. 

"William! Glad to see you back!" Chase hugs my brother. 

"Good to see you Will." Jace smiles. 

The boys enter the living room and sits with my brother. I walk down the stairs and grab some bread. 

"I'm sure Cathy forgot to mention, but I'll be the one who will be bringing her to school and fetching her. I appreciate all your efforts to protect my sister these past months." 

"It's no problem. Cathy is like a sister to us." Chase smiles. 

"She's not meeting any guys is she?" Will asks. 

Both jace and Chase's eyes widen. My brother must not know about me and Jace!

"Of course not!" I exclaimed. 

My brother looks at me as if he just noticed me now. "If you did, then the poor guys would be squashed to a pulp." He punched his palm to demonstrate. I can see the twins swallowing together. 

"Okay boys, Cathy and I will be heading out now." My brother bids them farewell and we walked towards our cars. 

I quickly texted Jace. 

Me: I will tell my brother about us, but now is not the time. I'll find the right time I promise. 

He quickly replies. 

Jace: Yeah, I know you will. For the meantime, let's not hangout after school, your brother might catch us together.

Me: Deal. 

Jace: Let's eat lunch together? Brought some sandwiches. 

Me: Sure. Meet you at the field. 

Jace: Okay, see you. Love you. 

I smiled to myself. Despite the restrictions we have to put on our relationship due to the arrival of my brother, I am happy to see that Jace is willing to compromise. 

My brother drops me off in front of the main building. He kisses my forehead and says, "No dating boys without my permission okay?"

"Yeah yeah." I replied and hugged him. I walked out of the car and walked to the building. 

As I enter the main hallway, I can see that only a few people are here. I walked towards my locker to get some of my books when I spot Jace standing beside it. 

"Guess we'll have to savor each moment we have together." He smiles, blinding me with his handsomeness. He grabs my hand and intertwines his fingers with mine. My heart skips a beat. His hand are warm and gentle against mine. 

He grabs my book from my locker and carries it for me. These gestures might be simple, but they never fail to make my heart flutter. 

As we walk down the hallway, people keep on staring at us. I put my head down, suddenly conscious of the people around us. Jace squeezes my hand, reassuring me. 

We arrive at our classroom with no incidents. As we sat down, Jace grabbed a book and started reading. He holds his book with one hand and grabs my other hand. 

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Mar 28, 2017 ⏰

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