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The dragon dived again,roaring,straight at Petra.

"Petra,move!"Jesse shouted.

"Hold on."Petra unsheathed her sword.

The dragon got closer and closer...


Petra jumped out of the way and smacked the dragon on the side of the head.

The dragon roared but got back power from the crystals.

"I can distract it!"Petra said.

Lukas ran out from behind an obsidian pillar and readied his bow.

"Okay!"Jesse agreed,unsheathing her own sword.

"I can work with Axel to make a TNT cannon,we can fire it when the crystals are gone."Olivia planned.

"Sounds good."Jesse smiled.

Petra yelled and waved her arms to make the dragon fly towards her.

And Lukas shot the arrow.


The dragon realised what had happened and roared,then directed his aim to Lukas.

"NO!OVER HERE!"Petra screamed.

The dragon to no notice.

"LUKAS!"Jesse yelled,running forward.

Lukas was paralyzed with fear.

"MOVE!" Petra yelled.

The dragon closed in on Lukas,but Jesse got there first.

She stabbed the dragon in the wing and the dragon snarled,then writhed,the hole getting healed quickly.It move so quickly that Jesse didn't see it coming.The dragon whacked Jesse with it's head.

The whole world spun and Jesse banged into an obsidian pillar.

"JESSE!"Petra and Olivia yelled.

Black clouds invaded Jesse's vision and pain flared in her back.In any normal occasion Jesse would be dead,but she had her armor this time.

"Jesse."She heard Ivor say calmly.

Something smashed,and the pain dissapeared.Jesse sat up.

"Healing potion,"Ivor explained.

"Thanks."Jesse got her sword and rushed back into the action.


Lukas had blown up another crystal.Four more to go.

"Jesse,are you okay?"Olivia asked from her TNT cannon.

"I'm fine."The dragon roared again."Ivor gave me a healing potion."

The dragon went back to chasing Petra and Lukas got out another arrow.

This time Petra didn't move fast enough.

The dragon got her with it's tail and Petra was flung into Jesse.

Both girls fell onto the ground,but Petra was out cold.

"Ivor!You're needed!"Jesse called.

He ran out behind a tower and dragged Petra back behind it.

"Is Petra okay?"Axel called.

"She's fine,but you two should move!"Jesse yelled back.

Olivia looked up,confused,and then squealed.She and Axel jumped just as the dragon destroyed their cannon.


"Thanks for the distraction!"Lukas shouted.

"Go Lukas!"Jesse yelled.

Just like before.The old Jesse. Lukas realised.

He was too busy realising it to see the dragon fly behind him and whack him.

Lukas went flying and half of his body slid off of the floating island.

"Lukas!Let go of your bow!"Jesse started run ovee to him,ducking as the dragon spewed flames.

Lukas hesitated,but for too long.Most of his body fell off and only his hand was left.


Lukas let go of the bow and used his spare hand to cling onto the edge.

"I am not losing another friend!"Jesse growled,then hauled him up.

"The bow!"Lukas gasped.


Jesse turned and saw that Olivia and Axel had built a new contraption.There was a wall of dispensers,each with a button on the back.

Two more.

She started to run over,but a wall of flames appeared in front of her.She skidded to a stop,turned her headand saw the dragon flying towards her from straight behind her.

She couldn't go forward.If she went left or right,the dragon could just change direction.

So she jumped onto it.

The dragon roared and went up.Jesse stabbed it but the wound was healed in seconds.

"Jesse!"She heared Olivia yell from below.


The dragon bucked so hard that Jesse was flung off.


She grabbed the first thing she saw,the dragon's wing.

The dragon snarled.


That's it.No more.

"Jesse!Kill it!"It was Petra!So Ivor healed her and woken her up.

Jesse let out a battle cry and stabbed the dragon over and over until it collapsed and crashed onto the ground.

"Die for real this time!"Jesse growled and stabbed it in the head.

There was purple light,and the dragon was no more.


Hope that was instense enough for ya.

Bearable (A Minecraft Story Mode Fanfic) {Completed}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat