Chapter 1

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Hey guys I'm really excited about this story. If you didn't know this is my first story and I would appreciate it you could comment and give feedback. I do not own PJ, HOO and HP
Hope you enjoy xx

Percy POV

It was time for me to go home. I haven't seen my mom in awhile and I was really looking forword to seeing her. She must of been scared out of her mine, worrying about me like she does, she still doesn't know what has happened in the Giant war and I plan on making sound less terrifying than it really was.

I payed and thanked the taxi driver and ran up my to my mums apartment. I knocked twice and in less than a second the door swung open. Nervous, excited, happiness that was all I was feeling.

"Perce..." whispered my mum "is that you."
"Greetings." Not really knowing what I was saying, all I wanted to do was engolf her in a hug.

I stepped towords my mom while looking down into her eyes. She also took a step, careful not to take her eyes off me afraid that a hand will snatch me away from her again. Her face broke into a smile and wrapped her arms around me. My heart filled with happiness, love filled my whole body.

We stood there in the doorway like that for a awhile, with her head on my shoulder letting her tears of joy flow free. We finally broke apart when we heard movement beside us. I turned around to find a excited Paul. I let my mother go, laughing in the process, and pulled him into a bro hug.

Harry POV

I sat there inside Grimmauld Place thinking. Everyone was down stairs waiting for dinner, but everyone went downstairs earlier these days, trying to get their minds of the war and the people we lost. However I like to take this time to sit and think. Think out the war that has just past and the people we lost. Everyone thinks I blame myself for the died, and maybe I do. But I have gotten to the point where I don't think that I couldn't of done everything. But that does not stop me from caring. Wishing. Thinking.

I was interrupted Hermione
"Harry... I know you are up here."
I didn't reply, simply because I didn't want to talk.
"Well... uh I thought that you would like to know that Dumbledore is down, and he would like to tell us all something, and I think it is important. "


OMGs I really hope you enjoyed the chapter, I hope to update soon. If you liked it comment and like and if tou have feedback please feel free to write it in the comments. Thanks xxx

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