Chapter 1

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Description Of Gabrielle : 5'1 , Long Black Hair , Thick , Mixed With Puerto Rican and Hispanic , Twin Sister Name is Danielle , Out going , Loud , Loves To Dance , Bad temper , Goofy , 15 Years Old , Nick Name -Gabi , Is An Orphan .

Description Of Danielle : 5'1 , long Black Hair , Thick , Mixed With Puerto Rican and Hispanic , Twin Sister Name Is Gabrielle , Full if Energy , Loves To Sing , bad Temper , Shy at First , Funny , 15 Years Old , Nick Name - Dani - , Is An Orphan .


Danielle's P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock . I got up walked to my sister side of the room and woke her up .

Me ; Gabi wake up we have to get ready for school .

Gabrielle ; 5 more mins .

Me ; No bitch , get up !

Gabrielle ; Okay damn , somebody woke up on the wrong side Of the bed .

I laughed at what she said . I went to grab my towel and my outfit for the day . I was gonna wear my blue crop top with black leggings and blue Toms . I was going simply today . I walked in one of the orphanage bathroom and did my usual routine . When I was done I walked back to my room only to see Gabi in the same out as me expect she had on a red crop top and red toms .

Me ; Really Gabi really ?

Gabrielle ; Calm your tits I didn't know you was wearing the same thing.

Me ; whatever

We grab our stuff and went downstairs.

Me and Gabi ; Morning Ms. Smith

Ms.S ; Morning girls ! Breakfast ?

Me ; Ill have a Banana

Gabi ; And ill have a apple

It wasn't just Gabi and me that lived

In the orphanage. There was a

WHOLE bunch if kid. We were just the oldest .

Ms.S ; You Girls should hurry up or you'll be late for school !

Me ; okay come on Gabi !

Gabi and I ran outside to catch the bus . Lucky for us we made it on time. When we got on the bus we went to our usual seat and sat down .


Gabrielle's P.O.V

We out off the bus and went inside the school . We went to our lockers to get our books for first period . Dani and I both have science first so we walked to class together . On our way there people gave us wired looks like the haven't seen twins before like come on now how long have we been going to the school ? We made it to class and took our seats . The teacher wasn't in the class room so everyone was doing their own things . Then these four boys walked in . I have to admit the were cute . The Curly Afro kid sat behind us with this one boy that had two long braids and in front of us sat this dude with a blonde Mohawk and another dude with curly short hair .

Afro Kid kept tapping . So I turned around to face him

Me ; Yes ?

Afro kid ; Hey I'm , Jacob but you can call me Princeton . Can you pass this note to the kid with the Mohawk ?

Me ; Sure .

Jacob ; thanks beautiful *winks*

Me ; okay ?

I tapped to Mohawk dude and gave him the note

Me ; it's from Jacob

Mohawk ; thanks .

Right when he said that the teacher walked in .

Teacher ; Okay class quiet down . We have some new students in our class room . boys ?

The four boys got up and walked to the front of the class

Mohawk ; Hey Everyone I'm Craig but you can call me Prodigy or Prod

Jacob ; I'm Jacob but you can call me Prince or Princeton

Two braids ; I'm Ray

A least he didn't have a wired nick name

Ray ; but you can call me Ray 2wice

Never mind

Short curly head kid ; I'm Chresanto but you can call me Roc

Rock ? T'f

Teacher ; Okay boys take your seat and least began !

They toke there time taking there seat! Smh


A\N ; Heyyyyy wassap people !? Lol anyways , first chappie . You like , aye you like ? * rapist voice * Tell me what you think !! :) sorry for the mistakes ill fix them later :))

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