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I'm woken up by a knocking at my door. "Today's the day!" I hear from the other side. It's my Uncle Joey. Today is the day I finally go to college. It seems daunting. But I'm ready for it.

I sit up and stretch, letting my tiredness escape me. I can be tired on the plane, but I have to get ready. There's another slight knock on the door, followed by it opening. My Uncle peeks his head in. "Haylie, your flight leaves in three hours," 

I nod, rolling out of bed. I go to my closet and grab something comfortable. I've always hated flights, but at least I can dress comfy.

"You excited?" My Aunt Marilyn calls from the kitchen. She's been ecstatic about this since the day I enrolled in college. She always tells me how great my time will be there.

"Mhmm," I call back, walking over to the bathroom. I start up the shower and quickly get in, the warm water easing my muscles.

"Hurry up, will ya?" My sister, Dannie, call from outside the door. She can be real impatient, especially when she has to wake up early. Which for me, seven isn't early. But she's only fifteen. "Sure thing," I roll my eyes, shutting the shower off.

I change and brush my hair out, thankful for it being naturally straight. I slap some makeup on, not too much, though, and exit the bathroom, going back into my room.

"You take long," Dannie says, hurrying in. She's just grumpy. She isn't a morning person. "I'll miss you too," I reply teasingly. She scoffs before closing the bathroom door.

I take my things down stairs. I really don't have much, only three bags, which only really have clothes and a few of my belongings. All the rest will stay here, so I can come back. I will have everything else I need anyway.

"Come get breakfast, it's a long flight," My Aunt says. I walk into the kitchen and she hands me a plate of waffles. "Thanks," I smile. I pull out the chair from the dining room table and sit.

After I finish up, I scrub my plate and put it in the dish washer. Dannie hurries down the stairs, putting her shoes on. "Careful," I say, laughing a little. She rolls her eyes, but a smile creeps on her lips.

"Alright, let's go," Uncle Joey says, once Dannie is all ready. We pack into the car, putting my things in the trunk.

"I can't believe you're going to college!" Aunt Marilyn squeals. Like I said, ecstatic. "I know," I smile. I hope I'll be okay. I'm scared not knowing anyone and being in a new state, but I will be fine.

After a car ride full of excited talking, we finally get to the airport. I hop out and they help me get my things.

"Group hug," Uncle Joey says. My family surrounds me and engulfs me in a huge hug that lasts for a long while.

Once I'm released, we say our goodbyes. Which, are dramatic. Crying, hugging, 'visit soon's. But I promise them I will spend summer with them and that I will call often.

I wave a final goodbye to them as they get back in the car. "Oh, and, Haylie?" Uncle Joey says, right before I leave. I turn to him.

"Yeah?" I ask, wondering what he forgot. "Once you land, go to my brother Steve's house. He's got a surprise for you," He says. Surprise...  I just smile and nod, not getting any hopes set. They drive away and I head inside, dreading security and a plane ride alone.


After a long flight, we finally land. I hurry and get my bags, then hail a cab.


It's hot, as expected, which is a change from Oregon. But I'll be okay.

I put my stuff in the back of the cab and hop in, a little nervous. "Coral Way Village, please," I say. The taxi driver nods and we drive.

We make our way to my Uncle Steve's neighborhood. It's gated, so I offer to walk. I pay the driver and go up to the gates, punching in the numbers I had always remembered from the one time we visited when I was seven.

I find his house, which brings back familiar memories. I knock on his door. It opens quickly.

"Hey, sport!" He smiles. He leans over and ruffles my hair. I laugh softly. "Hey," I smile, fixing it, though it was already messy from flying.

"Glad to have you in Miami! Now, if you ever need anything-"

"Come here, yeah, I know," I giggle. I've had this talk with him over the phone many times. "You're a good listener," He chuckles. "Now, we have a surprise," he says to me.

"Karen, open the garage," Steve calls to my Aunt Karen. She walks over, giving me a wave and a big hug. Then she hurries off. Uncle Steve and I go outside by the garage, and soon it opens.

My jaw drops.

"A car?!" I say, beaming. "Yep, Joey gave me the money for it and we got it for you. You need a car for college, of course," He smiles. I give him a big hug and walk over to it.

It's a 2005 Mini Cooper S. It's that turquoisey-blue and it's got two moon roofs and two white stripes.

"Wow," I say, looking around the outside. "Check the inside out," My Aunt Karen says, joining us. I nod and open the door. It has the same turquoisey-blue color accents on the dashboard, doors, and seats.

"I love it! Thank you so much," I say, hugging them both. "Thank your Uncle Joey and Aunt Marilyn," Uncle Steve smiles. 

I do just that. I call them up and tell them how much I like it. I also, by their request, tell them about the flight. Which was alright, actually.

After marveling at the car for a while, they offer me in for some dinner. I gratefully accept and we go inside.

"So, what are you going to master in?" Aunt Karen asks when we're eating. "Music," I smile. I've always been the musician, and I love to sing and play guitar. "She's the musical one," Uncle Steve says.

We talk for a little bit. I decide I'll stay the night and head to college in the morning. They set me up in the guest room. I give them hugs.

"Night, Haylie," They say as I walk to the spare room.

"Goodnight," I reply.



So that's a little prologue for my new story, Nothing But Trouble.

I hope you like it! (:

Plus, I've got a soundcloud playlist for this, my user is alliea_wattpad <3

- allie xx

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