Deleted Scene No. 12: Chapter Seventy-One: Blue

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It was another day until school resumed. And another until I got word that Grace was out sick (which did require a fair amount of hacking to figure out), and another for my sister to speak a word to me. It'd been canned soup for all my meals while she pretended I didn't exist for three days (and I have a massive metabolism that canned soup did not suit), and the only thing she said was that I had to clean up more.

All in all...

It sucks...

No Megan. The one person I'd always counted on.

No Grace. That effected me far more than it should have.

No Jamine. She'd taken to working with Megan. And although she wasn't my sister, she'd been with me my whole life and had severed all connections with me as well.

And I still haven't looked in the blue bag.

I wanted to... But something always stopped me.


Another week. Grace avoided me throughout school... Still no Megan... No Jamine... And I started feeling stupidly lonely.

So I finally looked in the bag.

I lazily brought the thing to the floor, laying down. I'd been lethargic and off for a while, probably the soup...

First I pulled out a little plush cat... A card attached to a string around its neck. I set the card aside and brought the cat up to my face. It still smelled faintly of her...

I pulled out two books... One small, one average... Both wrapped in blue and a card attached to each.

A small chocolate bar. A card attached to that.

And lastly a birthday card with '14' in big print.

The cat-card read:

Just because.

The first book:

This is a joke book. You read it and laugh.

The other book:

My personal copy of Catcher in the Rye. Honestly, I hated it but maybe you'll get it...also because you say you don't get literature. Just read it. <3

The chocolate:

No chitin. Enjoy :)

And the birthday card...

Uh...The hell do I write on this thing?
Have a great year, I guess... I hope I can be part of it? -Grace

All of it was in the same handwriting... All hers...

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