Chapter 24: It is Summmmma!

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            The plane starts moving towards the runway. And a few minutes later, we were airborne. I love little planes. They stay low enough to the ground to actually see the area below you.

            My ears kept popping as we climbed up through the air. When we leveled off I put my headphones and let the music play. I searched through the my library looking for one song in particular. I skipped all the way down to ‘s.’ The song’s title shoed up the screen and I hit the center button.

Well we got no choice

All the girls and boys

Makin all that noise

'Cause they found new toys

Well we can't salute ya

Can't find a flag

If that don't suit ya

That's a drag

School's out for summer

School's out forever

School's been blown to pieces

No more pencils

No more books

No more teacher's dirty looks

Well we got no class

And we got no principles

And we got no innocence

We can't even think of a word that rhymes

School's out for summer

School's out forever

School's been blown to pieces

No more pencils

No more books

No more teacher's dirty looks

Out for summer

Out till fall

We might not go back at all

School's out forever

School's out for summer

School's out with fever

School's out completely

“Get up. Rikki, get up. Now.”


“We’re in New York. Are you planning on getting off the plane or what?”

“I’m getting up. Relax, Izzy.”

I wrapped my headphones around the iPod and then shoved it into my pocket. Before I had even unbuckled my seatbelt, Izzy was pulling me out of my seat.

When we disembarked the airplane, it was obvious that this is a huge airport. The gate the plane is at is probably bigger than the whole other airport.

“How long is the layover?”

“Two hours.”

            Joy. Now we get to hang around an airport for two hours. What the hell are we supposed to do for the next two hours. Well, we could do what I like to do when I’m bored.

            “Let’s go find some food.”

            “But it’s midnight.”

            “Exactly. It’s not called a midnight snack for nothing.”

            We roamed around looking for a good place to get some food. Before long we had found a McDonald’s. Izzy walked right up and ordered a number 7 Grilled Chicken sandwich, plain.

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