Chapter 3

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Traffic. The shittiest thing ever to encounter with.

Klara ended up driving the both of us over to the Pepsi Center to catch the hockey game that starts soon. Whenever she had to slow the car down or come to a complete stop, she starts cursing under her breath. Only living in Denver for about four days and she hated rush hour traffic. Or just traffic in general.

I kept glancing over at the time to see if we were going to make good time. The last time I looked at the clock, it read 5:20. The built-in navigation system in Klara's car says our arrival time won't be until 5:45 with traffic. Who knows if that's even right. There's only about five or so miles until we reach our destination. Maybe traffic was bad enough than we anticipated.

Sure, right before my sister was going to completely lose it, everyone in front of us weren't frequently putting on their breaks and actually drove. Finally, everything was clearing up and making good time was going to happen. I heard Klara let out a sigh of relief from the driver's seat. All I could do now was relax in my own seat and enjoy the rest of the drive on Interstate 25 heading down south.

After merging off the highway and making our way towards the belly of Downtown Denver, we were met once again with traffic. But this time, it wasn't as nearly as bad as the traffic on the highway. It was only typical downtown traffic.

"Do you know where we are going?" Klara asked me. Her focus was still out on the road, looking around.

"I'm pretty sure that building right there is where we have to go," I said back to her as I looked out the window on my side. In the distance ahead of us, I spotted a sign that no one could miss that stood up pretty tall: Pepsi Center.

It was great that we both found where we were going. But where do we park? There were probably a lot of spots where we could park. Either close by or a little distance away. Klara decided without any thought to just find a parking spot somewhere near by so we didn't have to walk far either. Thirty dollars later, we found a parking spot and with our luck it was one of the closest spots to the entrance, too.

Already, there were a lot of Avalanche fans walking around and entering inside the Pepsi Center. But it wasn't hard to spot out Chicago Blackhawks fans either as I spotted out a lot of red in the crowd of burgundy and blue. Klara and I didn't own an Avs jersey, though we thought Gabe would've loved to give us one with his last name on the back. Yesterday, we found some random sport store around here and bought ourselves matching long sleeve shirts with the logo on the front and "Landeskog" on the back.

The both of us stuck together as we entered inside. This whole building was so unfamiliar to us that we had no clue where we were going. It was bad enough that we looked like lost puppies wandering around. Once in awhile, we ended up bumping into people; either Avalanche fans or even a Blackhawks fan. Eventually, someone took notice of us and was kind enough to help us find where we were going. He wore a nice grey suit with a black tie and a name tag around his neck, though I couldn't catch a glimpse of his name. I assumed he works here.

"So is this your guys' first game here?" He asked Klara and me, trying to strike up a little conversation as we rode up the second escalator up to the third level of the Pepsi Center.

"Yeah," I only replied as my sister kept quiet. "We just moved here to Colorado a couple of days ago. We're here to watch our brother play tonight since he invited us."

"You two are Gabriel's sisters?" He looked back at us before turning back around and taking a step off the escalator, with us following suit behind him. "I thought I recognized that suite number on the tickets you two have. Every Avalanche player has their own personal suite for every game that they can invite friends or family to come watch."

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