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"Anything." The older man said to the younger one in front of him. "Anything."

Han Solo, Rika's eyes widened.

"Anything?" The cloaked man asked, lifting his head. Rika's eyes widened even more.


Han nodded. And a tear slipped down Ben's cheek before he stabbed the red lightsaber into his father's stomach.

"Thank you," Kylo Ren -- she should never have thought him as Ben, whispered to his father.

Rika smiled, why was she smiling at the death of one of her closest friends?

"Rika, oh my god, are you okay?" Rey's panicked voice was what drew her out of her sleep. Rika shot up but groaned when her head spun.

She grimaced at the lights. "How long was I out?" She asks.

Before Rey could answer, a voice interrupted the moment. "Your friend awake yet?" A head poked through the door, seeing that she was awake, the man came in and grinned. "Good, you're awake," He turned. "Chewie!" He shouts. "Get them onto a pod and send them to the nearest inhabited planet!"

Chewie. Rika's jaws dropped. It was still a shock seeing the man that she just saw get brutally murdered by his own son just minuets ago, in her own dream. Forgetting her head, she stood up and stared at the older man. "You're Han Solo!" She sputtered. Why was everything, no, everyone, she's tried so hard to forget coming back?

"Yeah, I am," Han Solo narrowed his eyes at her. "What's it to you?" You were like the father I never had...

Finn choked. "You're the rebellion general!"

Han snorted. "No, the smuggler." Rika frowned but didn't say anything.

Finn's face scrunched up. "Wasn't he a war hero?" He turned back to Rey and Rika.

Han's face turned annoyed. "Whatever," he said. "Chewie!" He shouts, and the Wookie walked into the room and yelped. "Get them to the nearest inhabited planet," then he turned back to them and frowned. "Where's the pilot? You kids can't possibly have flied this thing."

Rey was quick to reply. "I'm the pilot." She then stopped and cocked her head. "Is this the Millennium Falcon?" She looked at the ship in a new light and an air of awe.

Han's eyebrows rose up to his hairline. "Where'd you get the ship anyways?" He asked.

"Niima Outpost." Rika told him.

"Jakku? That junkyard?" Han shouted. Then pointed accusingly at Chewie. "I told you we should've checked the Western Reaches. Who'd you get it from? Duncain?"

"We stole it from Unkat Plutt, I think, not sure what his name was, who stole it from the Irving Boys who stole it from the Duncain--"

"Who stole it from me!" Han shouted. "Well, you tell them that Han Solo just stole back the Millennium Falcon for good!"

"Wait," Rey puts up a hand. "Does that mean this is also the ship that made the Kessel Run in fourteen parsecs?" She asks in awe.

"Twelve!" Han snapped back, Rika hid a smile. Now that was the man she remembered when she was still back at the base. She already felt safe in his presence, even if he didn't remember her. And for that once, her mind didn't tell her any different.

But there were always more serious things to do first.

"Alright, alright, enough chatting. We need get you onto a pod." Han says.

"Wait!" Finn cries out desperately. "We need your help! This droid is carrying a map that leads to Luke Skywalker! And we need to get it to the Resistance Base!"

Rika's eyes narrowed. He didn't say where. Does that mean he's not with the Resistance at all? But her thoughts were cut off when BB-8 beeped.

"Don't worry," she soothed the droid. "We can trust him." She told him.

A hologram shot up, showing the map, Rika slumped. Not entirely sure herself whether it was out of relief or discouragement. "Damn," Han frowned. "It's only a piece, but it'll definitely be helpful to the Resistance." He decided. "Set course for the Ileenium System, Chewie!"

"You are the Han Solo that fought with the rebellion." Finn state dumbfound.

Rika rolled her eyes. Again, way to state the obvious.

"You know him?" Rey asks, "Luke Skywalker?"

Han sighed. "Yeah, I knew him. I knew Luke."

Knew? Rika ran a tongue along her bottom lip nervously. Just how much has everyone changed in the years she's been 'dead'?

A crash interrupted all of them. Han groaned. "Don't tell me one of the Rathtars had gotten loose."

"Rathtars?" Rey asks, while Finn just shifted from foot to foot nervously.

Rika, however, paid no attention to her friends and stared incredulously at the older man. "Rathtars, old man?" She exclaims. "As in, more than one, and on the ship?" Her eyes widened. "How the hell did you even get them? And onto the ship?"

Han sighs tiredly, "Let's just say, that we had a larger crew than before. Much larger crew." He frowned.

"Okay!" Rey shouts, annoyed. "What are Rathtars and why are you talking about them like that?" She demanded.

Rika tapped her mouth, deciding on how to tell the girl what Rathtars were. "They're big and scary and dangerous and can swallow you whole." She finishes, the sentences only succeed in making Finn more frightened and Rey curious.

Another sound then interrupted them.

"What now?" Han throws his hands in the air. "I know that isn't the Rathtars. I know it isn't."

Rika peered out the window. "Holy hell," she breathed. "It's the Guvian Death Gang! What in the Force could you have done?"

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