Surprising news

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You had a huge grin on your face. You had never been so happy in your life. You got to the guild and sat down smiling. Lucy sat next to you and smiled.
"Someone seems happy" she said with a smirk on her face. 
"yeah, i don't know why i just feel like smiling." You laughed.
"Maybe because of valentines night" Lucy said cockily. It had been about a month since then and you still have the hickey.
"Shut up!" You snapped a bit harsher than you meant to.
"Okay" she said a bit scared. You put your head in your hands and cursed yourself before starting to cry. Lucy got up and went to Mira.

Lucy's pov: 

"hey Mira" I said as i sat at the bar. The kind-hearted woman smiled at me. "Whats up with (y/n)?" I asked.
"I don't know, she was upset earlier. She told me she was nervous about something" She said with a smile.
"What?" I asked trying to get answers.
"Ummm something about her missing a period" My eyes widened. 
"Oh my God! Really!?" I shot up. Mira nodded. I looked at (y/n). 

back to normal pov:

"Can I have a milkshake Mira?" You asked, sitting next to Cana and Lucy.
"You sure can" Mira went to go make you one.
"Milkshake? Are you a child? Have some wine" Cana offered you a glass. You shook your head.
"So it is true!" Lucy said. Mira gave you the drink.
"What?" you took a sip.
"You skipped a period!" She practically yelled making you spit out your drink
"Mira, you promised you wouldn't tell anyone!" You snapped.
"Sorry" she said innocently. 
"You skipped a period? Have you taken a test for pregnancy yet?" Cana asked and you shook your head. "You should and then you should tell Gray"
"I know, i have a test, I'm just scared" You admitted. 
"Well go do it!" Cana and Lucy yelled at you.
"Alright" you said and went to the bathroom. You came back after a little while and threw the test on the bar before walking away and sitting in the corner. Lucy scrambled to get it. 
"Positive" she said squealing happened. 

Gray came in with Juvia. She was latched onto his arm and wouldn't let go. Lucy ran a him and dragged him to you.
"She has something to tell you" Lucy said. You hid your face.
"What is it (y/n)? is it good or bad news?" You shrugged.
"Excellent" Lucy answered for you.
"What is it?"
"I'm... kinder sorter... ermm I'm kinda...preg...nant" you said. His eyes widened.
"What?" he said going paler than usual. 
"Shes pregnant Gray, Your going to be a father." He went even paler hearing it the second time round and fainted.

When he came through you were holding his hand. You helped him up. 
"I'm sorry" he said. You kissed him.
"Don't worry about it love" you said.
"I meant about making you pregnant" He said.
"I know" you said giggling. 
"Guess you cant work anymore." he rubbed the back of his head, "and that you are moving back into my house"
"Yeah I guess." You said. A thought came across him and he smiled.
"I'll be right back" he said and ran out.
"He's going to ask you to marry him!" Lucy squealed.
"What!?" You yelled.
"Well your pregnant and he obviously doesn't want you to feel alone" You got up when she said this. 
"Ummm" you said and ran.

Erza stopped you as you made a break for the door.
"(y/n), perfect. I have a job and i need your help with it" She said.
"(y/n) can't go on any jobs for a while." Mira said.
"And why is that?" Erza asked you.
"Shes expecting." Mira said. Gray came back in and you went to the bathroom.
"Where did (y/n) go?" He asked. Erza grabbed him by the ear and sat him down

Grays pov:

Erza grabbed me and sat me down. It hurt.
"ow ow owww" I yelled.
"You got her pregnant!?" Erza asked/ yelled at me. I went red really fast.
"Its not like it was planned" I say trying to stick up for myself. Juvia glomps me.
"GRAY IS BACK!" She yells. I see (Y/n) looking through the door of the girls bathroom, trying to be sneaky. It was kind of cute. 
"Juvia get off please" i ask and she does. "I need to talk to (y/n)." 
"Are you breaking up with her?" Juvia asks.
"What! no. I love her with all my heart." I could see the light fade in Juvia's eyes when i said that. "I just need to ask her something."
"Well after knocking her up, it better be a proposal" Lucy said. I blushed at that. I was planning on proposing. "OMG YOU ARE GONNA PROPOSE!" Lucy yelled.
"(y/n) is... pregnant" Juvia said sounding sad. The air around her was dark blue and she looked terribly depressed.

Back to normal POV

You came out of the bathroom when Lucy said about the proposal thingy. When Gray saw you, took you outside where he got down on one knee.
"(Y/n) (l/N), Will you do the honor of becoming my wife" He asked. Blood flushed to your cheeks fast. Although you didn't want to admit it, Gray was being very romantic.
"Mr Fullbuster, arise from your knee" You said and he did as he was old.
"Is it yes or no?" He asked. You hugged him.
"Its a...."

a/n- cliff hanger. dun dun duuuuunnnn. did you say yes or no? what will juvia do? you will never know. just kidding you will find out next chapter.... if i remember what is happening :)

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