Don't think, Act

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Tyler Johnston is to be Luke Hale. Look how cute and unthreatening he is!

Face of a saint.

I'm not sure if I should warn you guys or what, but Cameron and Angel, well, they have some fun.





"This is the building Leon died in?" Angel said, looking at the printed photos laying on the table.

I put my coffee mug down, "Yeah. And Luke tested this picture Gerald gave me. Its ligit, Leon went into that building and never came out. Then the ring, Kayla thinks Leon stole it from whoever killed him."

Angel takes a large bite of the doughnut Gabriel had brought us, "Okay, we can work on that later. What I'm worried about is that copycat."

I turn to the couch, where Luke and Gabriel are watching the news. Julia is broadcasting a rerun of the video we had sent her.

"Do you recognize this woman? If so, please call the number on the bottom of the screen." Julia smiles and goes on to speak about me.

"Luke, phone." He threw me the cell I've been using to do my Vigilante work such as calling the gangs, Julia and the likes. I scroll through the contacts and press the one I wish to call.

"Excuse me, I must take this." On the T.V Julia reached in her pocket and took out her phone. Through the speaker on my cell and the T.V I hear Julia say, "Hello?"

"Put me on the air." I demand.

She managed to go to commercial and when they came back, Julia said, "I have the Heroine on the line right now. She has something she'd luke to say."

Luke had handed me a weird circular metal box. When I spoke through it, the thing would contort my voice. I talk through the box and to the phone, "I speak to the girl that is acting as me to do violent crimes against the gangs. I want to meet you, in person. In forty five minutes, you'll find me where you'd like to put me. If you don't understand the message, set off red fireworks where I first saw you. If you do know where I'm talking about and choose not to show, I'll be offended. Forty five minutes starts now." I hang up and jog to my room.


Theo's gun clicks, signaling that it is locked and loaded. "Ready," he said.

Angel hands me the special gloves with the razors, "If she tries anything, I'm putting a bullet in her."

"There's no electronic interference but just in case I set up a dozen impulses around the area." Luke's glasses reflect the green and black screen of his computer and he types ferociously.

I tie the mask and head out with Theo disappearing into the shadows. I take the fimilar path, the one I travel more than anything else. I stop in front of Leon's headstone and set down the single white rose I brought.

I rest my hand on the smooth curve of the stone and ignore the sting of tears. I lick my lips and say, "I hope I'm doing you right. I will find your killer and I will make them pay, whether or not you'd want me to."

I hear a rustling and don't move. I pat the headstone and imagine Leon here with me, lending me strength for what's next.

"Your clue was a bit obvious. I'm surprised the cops aren't here." She said, walking closer.

I take a deep breath and face her. Same mask and revealing clothes. I exaggerate giving her the elevator eyes, pausing briefly on her stomach where again is a clump of makeup. I scoff, "I don't know the level of your intelligence. I had to make it easy."

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