Chapter 34

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I had my suitcase in one hand and my bag in the other as I Walked down the stairs so I could put them at the door. As I did that I heard dad get out of his chair and walk over to me. "Here let me help you." He said as he grabbed my suitcase. I mumbled a "Thank you." before making my way to the door. "Do you have everything?" "Yep." "Are you sure?!" "Yes, i'm sure." "Okay well, put on a warm coat before you leave it will be cold outside." "I know." "Good, want some breakfast?" "No Thanks." He sighed as he ran his hand through his hair. "Will you promise me to be safe?" "Off course dad!" I said as I turned around to face him. "I'm just worried Alex." He sighed. "Don't be i'll be fine!" "Okay if you say so." "I say so, and besides Ben and Devan are staying here to keep an eye out in this place." "That's" "It is indeed smart." Before my dad could say anything else the doorbell rang so I Walked over to it and as opened it I saw Tyler waiting for me. "I'm going." I said as I turned my head toward my dad. "I'll miss you baby girl." He said as he out of no where Pulled me in a hug. "I'll miss you too dad." I said as I hugged him back. When he let go I grabbed my stuff and put on my coat before going outside. "Ben, Devan, Darius, Raven and Daisy are waiting for us at my place." Tyler said as he helped put my stuff in his truck.

When we Walked in everybody was indeed waiting for us, Daisy also had her suitcase and bag with her and Ben seemed to hold something in his hands. "It's time for goodbye's guys." Raven said as he grabbed Daisy stuff and Walked out to put them in Tyler truck. "Well I guess i'll start with you." I said as I Walked up to Darius to give him a hug. "Be safe." He mumbled in my neck as he hugged me back. "Always." I mumbled back before letting go so Tyler could say his goodbye's. After that I Walked over to Devan who'm was schifting his weight from left to right. "Promise me you won't die!" He said as he Pulled me in a hug. "I promise." I said letting his warmth creep over my body. "You have to promise me the Same." I said burrying my face deeper in his neck. "I promise." He said back letting his voice crack. When after a little while I let go I Walked over to Ben who was already trying to hold back tears. "Here." He mumbled as He gave me a gold ring with fangs on it. "I got you, Tyler and Devan one with fangs, Daisy get's one with a horse shoe and I have the word mundane in it." He mumbled as he put it around my finger. "I'll miss you so much!" I said immidiately pulling him in a hug. "I'll mis you two little wolfie." He said back as he tightly wrapped his arms around me.

Pov Tyler .

After I had put on Ben's ring I turned around and walked over to Daisy and Alex who were waiting for me. "Well let's go then." I said turning back to the others. "Bye guys!" Daisy said waving. "I'll miss you all!" I heard Alex's voice said as she was holding back her tears. Without me saying one more word the three of us walked outside and got in the car, as I started it I could hear Devan say something to someone but I couldn't figure out who so i just started driving. "TYLER STOP!" Alex suddenly yelled. I harshly slammed my foot on the break making us come to a hard stop before quickly getting out and seeing Ben behind my car. "What....?" I said starting to talk but I couldn't finish my sentence because Ben Pulled me in a hug. "Promise me you'll be safe." He said as he let his tears roll down his eyes and on my shirt. "I think you should be the one promising me that!" I said as I tightly hugged him back which took me by suprise. "You first!" Ben said stubborn as ever. "Off course i'll be safe! I promise." I said letting go of him now staring in his eyes. "I promise too." He said looking right back at me.

Pov Alex.

As we were driving I looked out of the window seeing all the trees pass by us, the road was very quiet but it was actually quite calming and peacefull to sit in silence for a while.

Soon I got bored of that though and so I started moving my legs and but a lot trying to make myself sit comfortable so I could sleep a bit. "Can you not." Tyler said getting annoyed of it. "Sorry, can you turn on the radio?" "I can but I don't want to!" "Why not?" "Daisy is sleeping!" He said it as if it was obvious but it kinda was 'cause when I looked over she was indeed sleeping. So I just went back to my previous position and let my head lean against the cold glass.

"Window!" Daisy yelled as she shot up. "What?" Me and Tyler asked at the Same time confused at why she yelled. "Open the window, quick!" She repeated. "Which one?" Tyler asked not taking his eyes of the road. "The one on your right!" Daisy said sounding impatient. Right after the window was opened a letter flew in falling on my lap. "How the hell did you...?" I asked confused as I looked ar Daisy. "I dreamed about it." She said sounded as confused as I was. "Open it!" Tyler said closing his window again. I carefully placed my fingers on the letter as I started unfoldig it.

"Love is something you feel for one another, love makes you happy you are alive, love makes you powerfull and strong!
But love comes with risks as it can drive people apart and make you very vonerble, be careful!
Some red rozes don't survive!"

I read out loud. "What does that mean?" Daisy asked raising her eyebrow. "It's a warning." I mumbled repeating the words in my head. "For what?" "I think the person that send this is trying to say we shouldn't pick favorites!" Tyler said still not taking his eyes of the road.

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