chapter 1

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Stella's POV

"Wake up you grumpy head." I yelled jumping on Grayson's bed. It was the first summer day and all i could ever think of was the days i will spend with my friends without worrying about that crappy school.

"Stella. leave me alone. GOD" Grayson yelled as he pushed me off his bed.

"What is happening in here?" Said Ethan as he entered his twin brother's room. Yes Ethan and Grayson are twins. Hot twins. Extremely hot twins.

Let me enlighten your little mind a bit. So, me Ethan and Grayson have been friends since primary school. We have been through everything together, we tell each other everything and anything. Grayson is known as the "Jonas fangirl", funny and annoying twin whereas Ethan is known as the calm, funny and sometimes loud twin. On the other hand, I am known as the shy short and tiny girl that has been friends with two idiots for literally her whole  life. 

As you can tell, i woke up excited this morning. One because it was the first day of summer, Two because we were going to DISNEYLAND !!!

"Gray doesn't want to wake up and we will technically obviously be late for our exciting journey." I exclaimed laying on the floor.

"Stella. It is 9 in the morning what the hell are you talking about...?" "OMG Ethan you forgot?! HOW COULD YOU?" i cried overdramatically. "WE ARE GOING TO DISNEYLAND TODAY OMG HOW COULD YOU FORGET." i screamed

"DISNEYLAND? what? what? what? it's today? OH MY GOD!!!" Grayson squealed finally getting out of bed. "Yes you idiots. Now get ready and i will meet you outside"

As i got out of the twins' house i quickly ran to my house to get ready for this amazing and exciting day waiting for us.

I took a quick shower and straightened my blonde hair. Then, i decided to wear my favorite high-waisted black shorts and a plain white crop top that said  "Geek" on it.I put on some light makeup, took my sunglasses, wore my white converse and headed straight into my car.

I called Ethan and after 2 rings he answered.

"Hi big Booty." He screamed

"Shutup Eth. LET'S GO!" "Okay, okay woman we are coming."

After about 2 mins, they joined me and the journey started. It was a 2 hours drive to get to Disneyland but with those twins you can never get bored. Trust me.

Grayson was jumping like a little baby at the back seat and Ethan was singing along to all the songs that played on the radio. "Gosh, Ethan can you tell Gray to calm down. I feel like the car is jumping up and down along with him" i laughed.

"Stella shut up and drive. I am excited okay? I can't just "calm down"." He mocked me. "Fine."

Guess who arrived at Disneyland!!!!!? Yep, we did. I Jumped out of the car as excited as a child on a Christmas morning.

"Let's go babies!" i squealed holding into Grayson and Ethan's arm.

It was an amazing day so far until we went to this restaurant and some crazy yet adorable fangirls attacked us for pictures. Oh, i forgot to tell you. The twins got super famous because of an app called vine where they do some 6 seconds videos and yeh!

Girls kept on running to our direction and asking for pictures. Obviously, the twins didn't mind at first but then it went a bit out of control so we had to leave.

"Sorry Stella, i know you were so excited for today.." Ethan said as he hugged me. "It's Okay Eth! i had fun." I said opening my car's door.

"Stelli are you mad?" "Stelli are you sad?" "Stelli answer me." Those where the only sentences that got out of Grayson's mouth during the whole journey back home and to say he was extremely annoying was an understatement. "GRAYSON. I AM NOT SAD, NOR MAD." i screamed. "GEEZ WOMAN CHILL."

we finally arrived at the dolan's house and as always, we decided to watch a movie and order pizza.

"Stella, Margarita or pepperoni?" "hmmmm. Margarita please." i smiled. "Alright babe." said Ethan as he walked outside to call and order the pizzas. Did he just call me 'babe'? yes he did. OH MY GOD he did. Stella stop. You are just his best friend remember. But he called me babe... NO STELLA STOP STOP ST- "Earth to Stella. Earth to Stella. Are you there?" i was cut off by Grayson laughing at me. "Yes i am here. What do you want?" i snapped at him. "I have a question"

"Why do you hate me?"

"What? I don't hate you Gray!" "Yes, you do. You are always so mean to me."

"No Gray. you are just so annoying sometimes but i still love you." i said while slapping him playfully on the shoulder. "I love you too Stella! MY TINY LITTLE PONY I ADORE YOU." "here we g again with the stupid nicknames." "Stella. you are now my little pony."

"Oh my-" i was cut off again tonight by the doorbell but this time it was worth it.

"PIZZAAAA" Grayson and i screamed as Ethan openned the door.

We sat in the living room and watched High School Musical 3 and to be honest... i loved the movie and the presence of my favorite and adorable twins. I felt protected with them. I don't really know but they just made everything seem so different and fun. I loved them.

But one of them just seemed to break the love scale i have.

HIIII i really hope you guys like this first chapter! I will obviously add more drama and actions.
I love you all

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