Chasing Chase

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"Dad i don't want to go" I yelled.

"Annabeth Leann James I don't care what you want!"

"Well that's just great! Just because you married a bitch doesn't mean i did!"

"Don't talk about your mother like that!" he screamed.

"She is not my MOTHER!" I screamed back and exited his den and slammed the door behind me. I walked down the hall and into my room. I walked over the my stereo and turned it on full blast.

Two minutes later there was a banging on my door. "Go away!" I yelled and that's when 'she' came in.

"May i talk to you?" she asked and went to my sterio and turned it down.

"No." and I got up and turned it back up. Thats when she got pissed and unplugged my sterio and threw it on the ground.

"What the hell!" I yelled

"I'm trying to have a conversation with you! Now listen! You WILL be going to that private school in England tomorrow and you will stay there and behave. Your uniform is in your closet. If you get kicked out you wont have any place to stay! Got it?"

"Got it mother dearest now get out!"

As she got out of my room i slammed my door behind her and decided i should start packing because i dont think there is going to be anyway out of this. I'm limited to 3 suitcases and a backpack and i always over pack so i decided to grab the biggest bags i own which to me, weren't really that big. After i packed all that i could fit i decided i should go to bed. I also decided that i wouldnt talk to my dad or his whore of a wife.

My dad came banging on the door at 5 in the morning sayng that i better get my butt out of bed because we have to leave at six. I got up and headed to the shower. I turned on the water to let it heat up, i put my hand under it 30 seconds later and it was still cold. That means someone took a nice hot shower before me... Which means i'm not taking a shower today.

So instead i got dressed and put my brunette hair into a loose braid to the side with a flower. I brushed my teeth and put on my makeup and then headed out of the bathroom to look through the house to see what else i could find to pack. I packed a couple magazines and a book for the plane ride. While i was looking at all the magazines on the rack dad came into the room and said "It's time to go. Go get your bags or we are going to be late."

Authors Note

This is my first book so im sorry is there are grammar errors.

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Also if anyone would like to make a cover for me i would love it :) Best one will get to be the 1st to read the next chapter!


Love, Me!

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