Chapter two

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Only warning, abuse, self hate and sexual touching.


I felt heavy, sore and something else. I tried to open my eyes, but only seeing pure darkness. Panic went though my body, I remember everything. Why couldn't I of gone to the next city without going to sleep. I was so close to them, I let them all down. I felt my heart shatter into pieces along with my hope. I'm going to be sold of to owners. I'm going to be a SLAVE.

Why couldn't I of just made it home without trouble, well I'm most likely going to die if no one ways me, it happens. If you are not pretty, healthy, or well groomed they won't want you so you just get killed on the spot by the hunter or hunters who caught you.

I'm going to end up like every one who is a captured hybrid. Well not really. Us cat hybrids are kind of different. We are more use for

It's sad really, just because where not really good at anything but giving pleasure. We are treated like shit. See thing is,is that I'm not good anything really. I was given one job. ONE FUCKING JOB, but no I have to get myself captured and most likely go up for sale.

Heavy footsteps, but where not to heavy for a male, so it must be a female or a very light ass dude.
My hair was tugged by the roots, a cry of pain came shooting out of my mouth. The holders gripping was stronger then a female, then I was thrown across the room. Soon pain was surging though my small petty body, I kept reminding myself if I keep quiet they won't hurt me as much.

The attacker forcefully grabbed both of my sore arms and dragged me to where the bedroom door is I think. I still couldn't see, so I had to depend on my senses. The grip got really tight to wear I was silently cry about the pain to which a bruise would soon appear on my pale skin.

With a hard thump I was thrown to the hard wooden flooring. I gasp at the shock and pain the went right threw me.
But as soon as the left a hand came hard right across my face leaving me to cry.

"Shut up you piece of shit, only make a sound when we give you permission under stand."

Another slap was accomplished with more foul word and insults. I didn't answer when they talked to me, I stayed completely silent. Hit after hit, then they all stopped abruptly, which scared me more, because it went all silent.

"So this is the one? I would of thought you would of got a more healthy one. The skin looks to pale, to much freckles. He does look like someone I know, who is he?"

The voice sounded like a male, a young male at that.

"Someone....Carlie take the bind fold off of him, I wanna see his eyes" I herd a light mumbling for a reply

The same foot steps I herd in the room where this Carlie's feet, which made me pull back but soon to find out I was headed into place by rough from hands. The grip was tight but wasn't hurting like the other one, a hand was going across my face, quickly pulling off the black fabric.

My eye were met with a brightly lit room, the shocking thing was, was that I was met with three handsome men. But they all looked like they could do a lot of damage on my body if I piss the more off.

A man with slick black hair, with one side longer then the other, and with what I could see was he had a shave under the long part of his hair. Locking eye contact, but I quickly looked away because if you where captured. You never look them in the eyes. If you do you can be met with a whole lot of punishment.

Sorry but had to put a warning if you don't like inappropriate touchy feely please do not read this book, and yeah yeah

His rough hand traced the bruise that where coming to the surface of my face, then he started to trail his hands down my beaten up body, slowly feeling me. I tried to move away but instead I was meet with a couple of blows to the face an gut.

"Don't you dare do that again or I might just need to punish you, now we wouldn't like that would we" I shook my head In response. " good now just so you don't move again, Carlie get the chain for me?" He looked over to the abnormally tall male covered in tattoos.


he slowly trudged off to get the chains, well fuck. He came back with four chains and handed it over to the grinning man right in front of myself. I shock in fear because I fucking don't know what they're going to do to me, he grabbed the chains and clipped me to the wall.

I prayed that this is a fucked up dream and it would all end. But it didn't. After he 'tried me out' I was left on the floor crying, while the man named  'Carlie' had clothes in his hands and told me to put them on, so slowly put them on. Trying to ignore the pain in my ass.

"Hurry up I've more stuff to do then wait for you to get dress" he sighed impatiently

As soon as I got my clothes on he picked me up and took me to on of the hundred rooms I saw as he walk past. He put me down and laid me down onto the huge mother tucker bed I had ever seen in my life span. Then it hit me. Why was he being so nice? when not even two hours ago he was beating me up? That shall most Likely never be answered.

"Okay a maid will be in here about just after I leave, you will not come out of this room, do not harass the maid and do what she tell you. And if you are called or needed do not leave this room without a amid coming in and telling you what to do." I just nodded in understanding and confusion.

"An oh, by now you are mine. I brought you off of the owner of the hybrid trackers, so I will like a lot of respect coming from you, if not I will not be nice, what just happened in there would be me going easy on I have to go. Do Not Leave." I just sat there shocked, so what mister did in there, Carlie could do worse...shit

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