Chapter 2

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Harry's P.O.V
Once the first years had been sorted the feast began. I had now found Ron and Hermione. They still haven't told me when they were on the train. They just keep saying that they were doing nothing. Whatever. I had more I important thing to worry about like why was Malfoy coming into my train compartment and I need an answer for the feeling I got when our eye locked for them few seconds back on the train.

I'm not going to think about that now because I'm hungry and I don't want Ron to eat all the food before I have a chance to eat any of it.

About halfway through the feast, the door opened and everyone turned quiet and in walked none other them Malfoy. "What are you all looking at?" He said as he made his way over to the Slytherin table.

He looked over to my table and once again our eyes locked. I looked from his eyes down to his lips as a very tiny smile appeared there. It was gone as quickly as it had come, but that's not important what was, was the fact that Malfoy the pure-blooded Slytherin was smiling at me. Harry Potter his worst enemy the boy who lived.

As I said the smile didn't last long and before anyone could see and looked down at my plate of food and began eating quickly. I was also trying to hide my hammering heart as it was beating so loud and quick I was sure everyone around me could hear it.

Draco's P.O.V
Once I was off the train someone pulled me down the platform. "What are you doing, get off me" I shouted at the person.

I was about to shout again at them I realised it was Snape. Why was he hear on the platform and not with the other teacher getting the great hall ready for the sorting and the feats? "Good evening Mr Malfoy." He said to me in his normal cold tone. Most like mine. I think that's where I get it from, him. I, of course, spend more time with him to them the other students. Him being my godfarther and all. "Snape" I replied in a cold tone to match his.

"I have been talking to your father and he has a few jobs for you he would like me to tell you."

"Oh yeah, and what might that be," I said again in a cold tone.

"Don't use the tone with me, young man, unless you want me to tell your father that you are disobeying me."

"Fine whatever what do you want? I'm hungry."

"Your job is to find out as much information as you can about Potter for the dark lord, as you know he is planning to kill him. Once you have information you will report it to me and I will pass it on to your father and the dark lord. This that understood."

"Yeah yeah I get it that's all he wants me to now find information."

"And you know why, we want potter dead as quickly as we can and will need your help soon it will be done quicker."  "Yep so find information can I go now?"

"Yes you may leave but don't take to long to get the information."

I didn't bother replying to Snape I just wanted food at this moment and couldn't think of anything else.

When I reached the doors to the great hall I know I had already missed the sorting and the beginning of the feast. When I pushed the door everyone when quite. "What are you all looked at," I said loudly as I walked over to my table.

I looked over at the Gryffindor table and ones again my eyes locked with Harry's. My heart started pounding and without me know a tiny smile came on my lips. I soon as I realised I quickly turned my face back to its cold emotionless state. When I sat down I looked over at Harry and the was quickly eating his food on his plate.

I had hoped he hadn't seen it but judging by the reaction he had. Great, this will need some explaining. But for now, I just needed food. 

Hope you are enjoying this story. The reason why I am updating early them I'm meant to which if you didn't know is Saturday it is because of the very very sad news that Alan Rickman had unfortunately passed away today. My mum told me on the way home from school and I just screamed no and started crying for ages. He will be missed by loads and I give my best to the Harry Potter cast for losing a brilliant man that they all know. This is kind of a little tribute to him posting my Harry Potter fanfic chapter earlier I know it's not much but if your missing his like me them hopefully this will make you feel better. Comment your favourite Snape/Alan Rickman moment from Harry Potter. Mine is when he said to Dumbledore after all this time always.
That's all for now
Byeeee 🎀
Megan ✌🏼️✌🏼👌🏼👌🏼
Mischief managed 🐍
Missing Alan Rickman forever 💔 RIP

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