"Thank you for the - wait where are we going?" I said watching the turn go by

"You hungry right?"

"Yeah I am." I said scratching my neck reclining my seat back to where it was before

"Aight so relax." He said concentrating on the road

Yes daddy.

I bit my lip and continued staring at him. I looked away moments later and felt him staring at me now. The tension in the car became unbearable and my cheeks began to heat up.


I scrolled through my Instagram newsfeed and sipped on my hot chocolate slowly, constantly getting whip cream on my nose. I kissed my teeth and reached for a napkin, taking a peek at him from across the table in the process. My face went straight as ever as I stared right into the camera. He sat back in his seat grinning down at his phone.

"Might as well make your Snapchat mine because my face is on there more than yours." I wiped the whip cream off of my nose and sat back in my seat also.

"Maybe I will."

I smiled and continued drinking my hot chocolate. We'd steal glances from each other but other than that I was enjoying myself.

"Soo, Dominic." I started, pouring syrup on my pancakes and a little bit on my eggs

"Trinity." He said taking a picture of his plate

"Tell me about yourself. You go to school?" I cut the pancakes in slices and put ketchup on the side to dip my sausage in

I've known Dominic for a month now, along with Chyna and them, but it feels like I don't know anything about him

"Started college this semester, it wasn't for me so I just left and got a full time job." He tucked his phone away in his pocket and started dressing his omelette

I nodded understanding. I don't know what I'd be going to college for. Don't know what to do after I graduate. Maybe work my whole life?

I took a sip of my hot chocolate, watching him eat. I didn't find it weird either, it was normal to me. I like to stare at Dominic, he's a sight to see. He's handsome.  I chuckled at the first time we met, and how hot and bothered he made me without even trying. He still has that affect on me. I continued to stare as he got a notification. He took his phone out his pocket and immediately started smirking.

"You know my son Khalil?" He asked chuckling


"This kid, he said he talked to you at the party." He handed me his phone

It's a picture of a boy with a True Religion skully hat on. He sent Dominic a snap of himself with the caption 'Trinity? 😍😍'

I chuckled staring at the picture. I remember him, that's the cute boy who made me a drink.

I pressed the yellow icon as it took me to the camera. I turned the camera facing me and stretched out my hands so I can get a better angle. I held down the circle, smiling as Dominic watched me.

"Hi Khalil." I said cheesing right before

I let go of the circle and handed the phone back yo him, leaning back.

"He kept me occupied in the kitchen when I was alone." I replied

"Can I get you something?"

"Uh, I don't know." I said slowly looking up

The boy made a face and it made me laugh "There's nothing but alcohol, not sure if I want to drink tonight." I smiled at him as his face softened

He was a pretty attractive boy, brown skin and a nice set of teeth. I nodded in approval unintentionally. [Chap. 9]

"You really are popular huh?" He smiled at me looking at his phone

"Just well known for being new in the neighborhood I guess."

He looked at his phone once more and started to laugh, but I didn't pay it any mind.


"Thank you for treating me to Ihop Dominic, I really appreciate it." I looked up at him as we walked side by side towards the car

"You're welcome ma." He said walking over to the drivers side

The car chirped and we both opened the doors simultaneously. The radio immediately came on as power 105.1 started playing lowly. He pulled out the parking lot making our way home.

As we made a turn on my block, I noticed he started to slow down.

"Oh I'm sorry, it's the third house on the left side." I said taking off my seat belt, leaning forward to gather my belongings that was by my feet

He pulled over right in front of my driveway, looking from my house to me. I looked over out the window sighing in relief that my dads car wasn't parked there. He would've flipped if he seen me come out of Dominic's car.

"Thank you for the ride Dominic," I said softly with my hand on the door handle "thank you for everything."

He nodded looking over at me. Very mysterious. I opened the door, shivering immediately. He pulled me back by my elbow, making me plop back in my seat. The car door closed right after.

"What happe-"

I immediately stopped talking when I felt the contact of his skin. He grabbed me by my chin and kissed me on the side of my mouth.

"If you need a ride for the mornin' time, I got you." He said

I looked at him shocked, nodding like an idiot. He watched me fumble with the door handle because I was struggling to get it open. 

I couldn't concentrate right. My brain haven't yet processed fully.

He leaned over and opened it for me "later Trin." He said slightly smirking

I nodded and hopped out the car and sped walk to my front porch.
Dominic was laughing because Khalil replied with an 'omg 😩💍' after receiving Trin's snap if you wanted to know. Trinity got hoesssss lmaoo.

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