"Sorry," I apologized to her, searching my brain for an excuse. "I just.. I just realized how much Lucas resembles a huckleberry today, what with his blue shirt and all," I quickly responded, twiddling with my fingers a bit.

She looked back and fourth between the two of us before letting out a heavy sigh, carefully sliding off of the bench and standing up.

"I need to go to the bathroom," she told us before walking to the door that had the word 'women's' printed on it in large black letters.

"What the heck, Ranger Rick?!" I whisper-yelled at him once I was sure Riley was in the bathroom and completely out of earshot. "Why'd you do that?"

"Do what?"

"Why did you stare at me like that? Actually, why did you even stare at me in the first place?! Now she probably thinks you still like me!"

"Well, that's probably because I do."

My eyes widened at his response and I felt my heart begin to race.

I wasn't expecting that.

"Look, Maya. I like you. Like, a lot," he told me, seeing my state of shock. "And I know we can't be together because you have a boyfriend-"

"He's not my boyfriend," I interrupted him.

"Fine. As I was saying, you have a boy who is a bit more than a friend and I have a girlfriend who also happens to be your best friend."

"Where are you going with this, Lucas?"

"I guess what I'm trying to say is.. I can't stop my feelings for you, and I don't think I should have to hide them from you."

"I-I don't know what to say," I stuttered out, my mind going blank.

Did I just stutter?

Why did I stutter?

What is happening to me?

"You don't have to say anything," he whispered, reaching his arm across the table and placing his hand on my cheek, rubbing it with his thumb. He smiled when he saw the small blush that came upon my cheeks when he touched it, and he leaned closer so I could hear him better. "I know you like me back."

I didn't know how to respond. Of course I liked him back, but that didn't mean anything. It couldn't mean anything. Even if I wanted it to, it couldn't. I already took Lucas away from Riley once and I can't take him again. He was Riley's best shot at happiness. I can't steal that from her, she's like a sister to me.

"Lucas, we can't d-"

I was interrupted by him leaning forward and gently placing his soft lips on mine.

It was everything that I had imagined the perfect kiss to be, soft, gentle, passionate.

His lips were so tender and sweet, and I was savoring every second that they were on mine. My eyes had already fluttered closed, but I didn't know how to react.

To say that sparks were flying would be an understatement. It was much more than that, it was like the moment his lips touched me, electricity spread throughout my body, making my blood pump faster and my heart beat faster.

I felt his warm lips begin to leave mine slowly, and I let my eyes open, taking in the view of Lucas's adorable blushing face right in front of mine.

My lips felt cold, instantly missing the warmer and presence of Lucas's brought them.

"Wow," was all I managed to sputter out, my usual confident and (somewhat) sassy attitude flying out the door and instead being replaced by my shy side, the part of myself that I hate the most.

Girl Meets Charlie (GMW & GLC)Where stories live. Discover now