2. The Visitor

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For a moment, Thea's feet felt like two concrete blocks. She couldn't get them to move. All she could do was stand there and stare at him. Was he dead or just passed out? She had no idea. Finally she got over the shock and rushed to his side. His eyes were still open, but he seemed extremely weak, probably from the loss of blood, she reasoned.

"Please," he whispered. "Just leave me here to die. The alternative is so much worse."

"No," Thea said firmly. She had thought he was out. "You're not going to die, Severus."

He seemed surprised by that. "So you do know who I am."

She nodded. "Yes." She was on her knees beside of him.

Severus turned from her. He had never seen her anywhere before. He didn't know her, but he could tell that she knew him. She was afraid. It was written all over her face. "Just call the Ministry. Save yourself the trouble."

Thea pressed her lips together. The response that came out of her mouth was honest. "I might."

He looked up at her helplessly. He was completely at her mercy. For the second time in a week, he was terrified. (The first time was when the Dark Lord sentenced him to death.) Even though he knew it would be coming, he still hadn't been mentally prepared.

Thea reached down to touch him. All she needed was just one touch and whatever she saw would seal his fate. She had to know if all they were saying was true before she handed him to the Ministry of Magic, if he was as much of a monster as they made him out to be in The Daily Prophet this morning. If there was even the smallest chance he was misrepresented...

Her hand landed on his chest. Over the heart was the best position. That's where things were clearer. The heart revealed the most crucial information. The moment she made contact she closed her eyes and gasped. It was always felt like an electric shock when it happened and then it was like she was watching a movie of the person's life. Suddenly, her brain was flooded with Severus Snape's life and the person he was on the inside. Thea saw Hogwarts, his life there, his life as a spy, the mask he wore to keep people at a distance, all of it. There was nothing she didn't know about the man laying on the ground now. Her eyes shot open a few moments later and she took a deep breath. That was a lot to take in.

Severus Snape had been misrepresented. He was nothing close to he man The Daily Prophet had painted a picture of. He wasn't always kind, but he was brave. He had given his life to the son of a man he hated and the woman he loved. Tears rolled down Thea's face. He had a hard life. She looked down at him and her heart skipped a beat. His eyes were closed. She pulled her hand back from his heart and laid her head on his chest. He was still breathing.

"Severus, wake up," she said loudly. "You have to wake up."

Slowly, his eyes opened, but he couldn't hardly keep them that way. "I'm not going to make it."

"Yes you are. I'm going to help you."

His face twisted in confusion. He had to have heard her wrong. "Why?"

Thea smiled down at him, tears shining in her eyes. "I'll tell you when you recover."

She hurried to her feet. With a wave of her wand, she lifted Severus into the air. His eyes had closed again. Looking at him then, she noticed that blood stained almost every inch of the former white collar around his neck. He had lost a lot, but he was going to be okay. She had to make sure of it. With another wave of her wand, Severus began floating toward her house and she walked anxiously alongside him. After what she had just witnessed, she couldn't just leave a hero to die, especially when she could do her best to save him.

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