Chapter Six: Lessons

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As soon as they were out of ear shot, the Hound was cursing. Sansa figured she knew what it was about, but she decided to ask anyway, "Are we going to end up being here all night?"

"Fucking hell, these people are annoying," he muttered, glaring at Sansa. She gave him the look 'what did I do?' He snorted and turned away from the Stark girl. They were just outside the small village, traveling the dirt road towards the line of trees.

After a moment of tense silence, Sansa asked, "If we're staying, that means I'll be coloring my hair right?"

"What the fuck do you think?" he snapped. "You'd be staying inside the goddamn cabin all night otherwise."

"There's no need to be so rude," Sansa retorted. "I was going to continue by asking where the hell I'm supposed to go for the hair color." It was thrilling and addictive, not having to watch what she was saying at this moment. Nothing had felt so free since her young days at Winterfell.

"I know a place," he grunted. "Follow me." He took the lead, barely looking at the Stark girl. She led Malia after the Hound, keeping a safe distance away from Stranger. While the black horse hated people, he seemed to take a personal dislike towards Malia. If she came within a few feet of any side, he either bit or kicked at her.

Sandor kept them toward the edge of town for several minutes, keeping Sansa carefully out of sight. When he finally started leading her into town, it was nearly to the edge of town and almost abandoned. There were three houses in total within that section. Sandor went straight towards the house on the further right. It was small log cottage with two windows. Instantly, an older looking woman popped her head out of one window and looked at them. "Well, well, well, if it isn't the Hound," she said, her voice deep and gravelly. "What you doin' back 'ere?"

"Making a trip to the Free Cities," he grunted, dismounting from Stranger and leading the horse to an area to tie him to. "Need a favor."

"For the gal, I'm guessin'?" she said, nodding towards Sansa. Sansa dismounted from Malia, deciding not to address the woman, and walked Malia toward the same area. Just several, several feet away from the angry black horse.

"Need to color her hair," the Hound said, focusing on tying up Stranger.

"Got money to pay for it?" she said, now focused on Sansa.

Sandor grunted in return, walking towards the window. "You going to do it or no?"

After a moment, the woman sighed and said, "Come in." She disappeared from the window. Sansa stepped up beside the Hound, glancing at him.

"Horse tied up good?" he said, not even looking at her.

"I'm not incompetent," she replied. "Who is she?"

"Done me enough favors that I know she'll keep quiet. Quit with the fucking questions." He stepped up to the house with Sansa in tow. Inside was rather bland and scarce, with little furniture and less light. She did have a little fire in the front room to help with the lighting and probably for heat once winter came.

After a few minutes, the woman returned to the front room, bottles in hand. She was a rather plump woman, wrinkled and with graying hair. It was then Sansa noticed her one eye, which was grayed over and unfocused. "Take off the cloak," the lady ordered, setting the bottles down and shoving a stool near the fire. "Sit." Glancing at the Hound for confirmation, Sansa reluctantly slipped the cloak off of her shoulders, carefully folded it up, and sat down on the stool.

"Thank you for doing this," Sansa told the woman while she was turned away.

"It don't matter none," the woman muttered. She turned around and started towards Sansa. "Ya got lovel' hair color. Why ya gonna color it?" Sansa shrugged, figuring it was better to keep quiet. "You runnin', aren't ya?" Sansa tensed, barely glancing at the Hound. The woman started laughing, uncorking a bottle and picking up locks of Sansa's hair. "Don't matter none to me what you doin'. Just don't bring no trouble to this village."

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