"They are interesting, aren't they?" L asked in his monotone voice as he kept his eyes glued on the birds. I hummed in reply. L looked so different with that black suit. It's been so long since I ever saw him in one.

After some time, I could feel a slight warmth on my hand. I looked down and realised it was L's hand. I looked at him to see that he was still looking straight forward. But I could tell he was nervous by the way he gulped and also, I could feel his hand shaking slightly. He finally looked at me with a small smile. I gladly smiled back and interwined my finger with his.

We stayed like this for some time until L asked me if I would like to go for a walk. I nodded in reply and we stood up. I rested me head on his shoulder and wrapped both of my arms around his left one. I could feel his body tense at fist but then relax.

(L's p.o.v)

'Ok, Lawliet. You can do this. You just have to do everything Near told you to do. Should I even rely on Near for such a thing? He is still young and never even been on a date.'
I thought as we walked.

Suddenly, I felt warmth wrap my left. My body immediately tensed as I already knew it was Y/n's soft arms. I calmed myself down so that she wouldn't think I'm an insocial freak even though I am. This date needs to be perfect. Y/n deserves it so much. We approached the table and I could see Y/n' eyes widen. I smiled. "Do you like it?" "Of course, I do! L, it's so beautiful." My smile widened at her statement.

We approached the table and sat down face-to-face. Y/n kept looking at the decorations on the table. I'm glad she likes it. Soon, the waiter came and gave us the menu.

We ordered and Y/n took (f/f) and I directly went to the dessert. Y/n said that I was so childlish. I didn't quite understand what she meant by this so I shrugged it off.

We ate for some time and then started asking each other random questions.

"Alright so what's your favourite colour?" "I have a slight preference for the colour blue. My turn, what is the first thing you think of before going to bed?" "If puppies can evoluate and have wings to fly and if dinausors could have had laser-eyes." she replied bluntly and I chuckled.

It kept going on like this until both of us finished eating. We went for a walk and layed down on the grass, looking at the stars. Well, Y/n did. For me, she was the star that needed to be stared at. I watched as she kept talking about the constellations, her eyes sparkled like the two fireworks and her face was ever so lightly illuminated by the moon-light.

'That's it. It's time to tell her.' I thought. I sat up and took her hand. She immediately looked at me, a smile gracing her face. I took a deep breath and confessed. "Y/n, ever since you came into my life, you gave me something so rare to me. Emotion. I get sad whenever your not around, happy whenever I see you smile because of me, and most importantly, I am sooo in love with you and never want to lose you. That's why I would like you to be my girlfriend. So, Y/n, will you be my girlfriend?"

(Your p.o.v)

"So, Y/n, will you be my girlfriend?" this is the first time I heard someone say this to me and I already knew the answer. I jumped on L and hugged him, making both of us fall on the soft grass. "Of course I will." I said giggling. He put his arms around my waist ans gently kissed me. I immediatly responded and kissed back.

We stayed like this for some time and then pulled away looking into each-others eyes. He tugged a strand of my hair behind my ear and then caressed my cheek. "I love you, L" I placed my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. I could feel him smile as he replied. "I love you too, Y/n" he hugged me closer to him and kissed my forehead.

(Meanwhile, Imagay's p.ov)

I was still locked in the room trying to figure out why Y/n did not die yet. Misa kept writing her name thousands and thousands of time. Yet, she didn't get anything at all. "I told you that she was different." That stupid Shinigami said floating lazily in the air. "SHUT THE FUCK UP, RYUK!" I yelled. "Ok damn! Sorry dude."

(Meanwhile, Neha's p.o.v)

We kept playing video gamds for like hours and I suddenly realised that Thunder and Percy did not eat at all. I immediately paused the game and Matt frowned. " Matt, we didn't feed them!" his eyes widened as he muttured a 'fuck'. "That was the only thing I had to do." I said to myself as I took the little starving animals on my arms. I gave them the milk and watched as they gulped it. I sighed in relief. They were still alive.

Just at this moment, Matt came in the Kitchen and started yelling at me. " You only had to do one thing. What if they died?!" blood rushed to my head. "Well, they are still alive. And if someone didn't insist in countinuously playing another round and feeding the animals later on, I would not have forgotten." "Oh so now, its my fault?!" "Of course it is! You've been acting so wierd today." "W-well, Mello told me to do that!" "Why would you listen to him?" "Because I love you and needed you to love me back."

All my anger dissapeared only to be replaced by shock. "Y-you do?" Matt blushed and nodded, averting his eyes. I rushed to him and tackled him into a hug. "Baka, I love you too." his body tensed and he gasped. "R-really?" I nodded and he hugged me tighly as if he was going to lose me at me at any second.

We stayed like this for what seemed like hours but which was in fact only 15 mins. We were interrupted by Matt's phone vibrating. He groaned before cheking it. He sighed and said  "Its Mello. He needs chocolate. Can you handle this?" "It's okay, Matt. By the way, you still have to tell me how Mello is involved in all that." He laughed nervously. I raised and eye-brow and crossed my arms.

"I have to leave so bye!" he said before pulling me into his warm arms and kissing me on the lips. My face flushed but I managed to kiss back. We pulled apart after some time and I noticed that his face was of the same colour of his hair. I ruffled his hair and he gave me a quick peck on the lips before leaving.

(Mello's p.o.v)

" Operation L-Y/n and Matt-Neha accomplished, Near." I said looking at the computer screen. "Yes. I can say it was a success." I nodded. We high-fived, our eyes still glued on the screen. "I still hate you. You know that, right?" I said. Near just sighed and went bach to playing with his toys. I shrugged and snapped a piece of chocolate in my mouth.

(A/n: What a long chapter! So its probably gonna be like that now. I'm gonna post chapters every 3/4 days. And the deadline for 1 chapter is a week. Anyways, I hope you liked it and sorry for so many p.o.v swaps and grammatical errors.)

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