Lacteri: Prologue

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Landon Industries: Atlanta, Georgia 

January 10, 3016

Bio Experiment 285 

Drug: Lactesine 

Number of test subjects: 50

Lactesine is designed to increase the strength of a person by over 1000% creating an almost "super human". It is a tablet that, if taken twice per day for a week, should provide extra strength for an entire lifetime. Each subject has displayed qualities of advanced strength without side effects. We are due to mass produce this product within the next week and already have thousands of buyers throughout the country lined up to order our product. We project that by the beginning of the summer, over half of the country will have bought Lactesine. Lactesine is to help people with their everyday lives by being able to do manual labor, renovations, and heavy lifting easier. Jobs such as carpenters, mechanics, police officers, and fire fighters should benefit most from this product.


Five months after mass production, side effects started to show in the 50 test subjects of Lactesine. They began to lose brain function in their logical and provlem solving side of the brain, so they converted back to barbarians, and their strength multiplied by at least 10. They were no longer human and became known as the Lacterus. They went back to Landon Industries in packs and destroyed the factories and plants from the inside causing a massive explosion that spread Lactesine radiation across the country. This extra radiation caused the people that took Lactesine to quickly gain side effects and become part of the Lacterus. Over half of America's population took it, so the Lacterus outnumbered the humans in America causing the humans to leave the country in flocks. Almost half of the remaining humans flew to Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia, but after about two weeks, the continents closed their borders saying that they were 'overpopulated'. That left the rest of the human population in America to fend for themselves against the Lacterus. Some were lucky to find a safe place while others barely lasted a week.


Authors Note: 

Random Fact: 

Lacterus is Latin for strength

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