"Aww baby, don't cry my love, everything I said is all true," He cooed. "I love you so much Jason!" I cried into his chest. "There, there," He said, slowly rocking us back and fourth.

"Thank you," I said after a couple of minutes of silence except for me sniffling. "You're welcome, baby," Jason said moving some hair from my forehead again and kissed my temple.

"Now, I'll be back soon, still gotta them strawberries you wanted, yeah?" Jason said, laying my body down underneath the cover. I nodded shyly.

"I love you," He whispered. "I love you," I repeated sending him a grateful smile.

"I'll be back soon, babe. Get some rest," Jason said, leaning down and pressing a kiss to my lips and left.


"Hey Jason, I heard Justin crying, is he alright?" Alex whispered walking out of his and Kate's bedroom door. I nodded. "Yeah, it's algood, his pregnancy cravings and hormones are on the loose," I said. He chuckled. "Damn, so happy, Kate's not pregnant anymore, otherwise I'd be doing the same," He said referring to me. I laughed. "Alright, I'll be back soon. Goodnight Alex," I smiled. He smiled back and yawned, walking back into his room.

Before walking out, I made a quick pit stop to the Jake and Jade's room. I opened Jake's door first to be surprised to see Jade was in there too. She was asleep on the bottom bed. I smiled. They can never be separated them two. I quietly shut the door and made my way down the stairs.

As I walked out the front door, my mind wondered as though came.

Where am I going to buy strawberries?

It's almost 2:15AM. No grocery stores are going to be open at this time. I shook my head. I'll have to drive around so my baby can be happy and content.

I look down at the clock on the dash and see it's almost been an hour since I've gone out. Most stores were closed like I expected. Only ones open were 24 hour McDonald's, Kmart, which definitely does not have fresh fruit and big servos. The streets were quiet. Except the cars driving along. Even the nightclubs were closed.

Suddenly hearing my phone ring, I pulled over.

"Hello," I answered as I wondered who it was. "Sir, it's Michael, uh your car is not in the driveway. I'm guessing you're with it. Did you need me to go with you or did you need some privacy space?" He asked kind of concerned. I guess as a bodyguard they need to be with at all times. Justin had assigned Michael to me, though I could handle myself. "Michael, thanks for calling. I was just out trying to buy some strawberries for Justin," I stated.

"Oh, sir, you could of just came next door. There is a fresh box in the fridge," He said. I chuckled. "Why didn't I think of that?!" I said.

"Great, Michael, thank you, I'll be home soon," I notified. "Okay, I'll see you soon," He said and hung up.

Damn why didn't I just go over to next door first?!

"Hi, what can I get you?" A guy said. "Hi, can I get a 20 pack nuggets?" I asked out the window. "Of course, sweet and sour for the sauce?" He asked. "Yep," I answered. "Is that all?" He asked. "Yep," "okay drive down," He said. I moved the car in drive and paid for the food. (an: trust me, once not cheap. I went to America 2 years ago and I saw a 20 pack of nuggets at Maccas were is $6! OMG! So bloody cheap but so unhealthy)

"Here's your order, have a nice night," She said handing me the nuggets. I thanked her and drove off.

I tuned off the ignition and shut the door, locking it.

"Here you go sir," Michael said after opening the door and handing me 2 small trays of strawberries. "Thank you, Michael! You're a lifesaver," I said gratefully. "No problem, sir, goodnight," He smiled.

I made my way over to the house and locked the door. I walked into the kitchen and started preparing the combinations of sweets.

I ventured up the stairs with a water in one hand and a plate of Nutella dipped strawberries.

I laughed as I spotted Justin cuddled up to my pillow fast asleep.

Luckily I placed glad wrap over the plate. I set both items on his bedside table. I got under the covers and sighed. All the effort.

"Goodnight my love, I love you," I whispered as I took in his scent and pulled him closer.


1445 words! -not edited

Was a cute chapter☺️


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