Chapter 27

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Maddie's POV
We haven't seen Shawn for a while since he started his music career. He has now aldready become famous. He said he was coming today with someone special. I guess he found a girl.
I get outa bed and realise Taylor isn't here wierd. I look around and realize I'm back at my house. I guess Taylor dropped me off. I got outa bed and got ready. I put on a Cali tank top with a pair of not so short shorts. I put on my white converse and straightened my hair. I put it up in a high pony tail and put on some mascara and lipgloss. I then head downstairs to get some cereal.
I saw my dad in the kitchen with my brother playing with star wars action figures. I laugh a little of how cute they look together. My dad has been pretty sad after my mom died but we knew it wouldn't get better so we had to think positive.
"Hey sweety Esmi called and said to be over at her house in 16 minutes cause Shawn is coming." He said.
"Yeah he has become famous by doing something he loves." I said.
"U could be famous for something u love to u know." He says.
"Haha thanks dad well I have to go." I said getting my penny board.
"U know u could ride something better." He says.
I look at him confused.
He then holds up some keys.
"Look outside." He says.
I go to the window and see a white lamborghini. (Pic of the car above)
"Oh my god dad it's beautiful." I said and go and give him a huge hug.
"No problem sweety." He says.
"Go ride your new car u aldready have your license and know how to drive." He says giving me the keys.
"Thank u so much dad I love u, I promise u I will try getting u something special." I said.
"Don't worry about me sweety I'm happy when your happy." He says.
I hug him and head to my new car. I get inside and put my hands on the wheel. I then get a sudden text.
Taylor❤- Babe can u pick me up
Maddie- I'm on my way
I turn on the car and decide to show off this beauty to Taylor.
After a short ride and park in front of his house and text him that I'm here. He then comes out and sees me nest to the car. His jaw then drops.
"That's your car?" He say and I nod.
"God maddie seems that I'm gonna need more rides." He says and I laugh.
"Come on Shawn will be at Esmi's house any minute now." I say and he gets in the car.
He starts looking around admiring every detail of it.
"U like?" I say.
"Its such a beauty." He says and I laugh and head towards Esmi's house.
We go inside and I see Shawn there sitting on the couch.
"SHAWN!" I yell and run to him giving him a bone crushing hug.
"Hello to u to." He says chuckling and hugging me back.
He then go says hi to Taylor.
I see that everyone got here before us sitting on the couch.
"Guys this is my new girlfriend." He says and I see this girl with a perfect face and body and she had such nice black hair. She seemed very familiar tho.
"This is Camila from Fifth Harmony." He says and she shakes everyone's hand.
"Hey its so nice to meet u guys Shawn has told me so much about u guys, he goes on and on about u all." She says.
"Typical Shawn." Matt says and we all laugh.
"Ok hi huge fan of yours and it's amazing that u r in my house do u mind signing this." Esmi say acting all professional.
Camila laughs and signs her poster.
"Wait let's all take a selfie come on." She says and we all get together and she gets her selfie stick.
"Ok on the count of 3 we say cheese 123." She says.
"CHEESE!" We all say and she takes the picture.
"Hey let me get you guys is numbers so I can text these to u." She says and we all give her our number.
I go to instagram and see the photo that we just took on going viral.
"Well what have u guys been up to." Jennifer says.
"Oh we have been making this new song and it's now out want to see." Shawn says and we all nod.
He gets out his phone and shows us the music video of him singing with Camila.
"The song is called I Know What You Did Last Summer." She says and I smile. (Video on top)
We watch the video and see that they make a perfect duo. Her amazing voice went really well with his voice. They r so talented.
We all kinda sing along since it was getting kinda catchy. That when I regret hearing the song cause now it's stuck in my head.
'I know what u did last summer, don't lie to me there's no other.' I sang in my head.
After listening to the catchy sing that everyone kept singing and talking about random things we decided to go out to eat. We went outside and that's when all the guys even Esmi Jennifer Eli and Mahoganys jaw dropped.
"U guys like." I say and they look at me.
"Well since this is a special day I get to choose who gets to ride." I say.
"First of all Shawn gets shotgun since he did a good job, and us girls in the back, I will drive." All the guys groaned.
"Hey what about me I'm your boyfriend." Taylor says.
"Well some of us just special here besides u got a ride in it aldready." I say and kiss his cheek and head to the car.
We head to Hometown Buffet and get our seats of course all the waiters treated us with respect since Camila was here. We got our food and got whatever we wanted. Of course all the guys got desert first and us girls well we stayed fancy. We see the guys and they were talking about sports and stuff.
"So Mahogany I've seen your videos and your song boom it's amazing." Camila says.
"Haha thanks." Mahogany says.
"So what did u and Shawn do?" Eli asked.
"Well he was clumsy." She says and we all laugh.
"He can't do anything without messing around a little." Esmi says and we all agree.
"I've noticed." She says.
"Well do u love what u do like make videos with your friends?" I ask.
"Yeah actually they r all actually really nice and clumsy we do many things like break rules dance and sometimes pull pranks." She says.
I look over at the guys table and see a girl flirting with Taylor. I start feeling my blood boiling.
"Maddie calm down." Jennifer says to me.
"I'm gonna go beat the fu-" Before I could finish she stuffed a brownie in my mouth.
"Shh calm down." She say stroking my hair.
I eventually calm down. I look again and see her then get on taylor's lap.
"THAT'S IT!" I yell and walk over to there table and get that girl by the hair. I slam her on the table and pin her to the ground.
She the starts punching me and I start seeing that she is wearing a wig. I pull it off and was shocked.
"Mary?" I say and she gives me one good punch and I fall to the ground. I see her run out and I black out.
Its been a long time since I've updated. Well Shawn got a girlfriend and maddie got a badass car. Mary is back. What will her plan be next. Uhh winter break is over which means I have school. The worst. Well I will try updating soon. Bye guys love u all❤❤❤❤

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