#1 You Like Another Member

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A/n the boy you like is in brackets

Calum [Luke] 4:
You were in your room coloring when you heard the boys downstairs. You got really excited because Luke would be down and there and he was your favorite member of the band besides Calum. You skipped downstairs and ran into the living room yelling "Lukey Lukey Lukey!" Luke saw you and picked you up giving you a bear hug. "Hey y/n" he said missing your cheek. "Hi boyfriend you replied making the other boys look at you giggling. "Boyfriend huh, you sure Calum's okay with this?" Luke asked. You only googled and smiled.

Michael [Calum] 2:
Today Michael was babysitting you but he also had the boys over. They were in his room playing FIFA when he heard you waking up from your nap. "Be right back guys, Imma go grab y/n real quick." "Okay" they all replied. When Michael came back he had you in his arms. You wiggled around trying to let him know you wanted down. He got the message and set you on the floor. You ran over to Calum who picked you up and set you on his lap. "Hello y/n" he said. "Hello boyfend" you replied trying to say 'boyfriend'. Calum just chuckled and kissed the top of your head while the other boys awed.

Luke [Ashton] 5:
"Assshhhhyyy" you yelled while running down the stairs. You ran up to him and he picked you up spinning you around. "Hello princess" he replied. You giggled at the nickname. "Ashy?" You asked. "Yeah" "am I the only one you call princess?" "Well of course y/n" Ashton replied. "Good! I love you Ashy" "I love you too princess" Little did you guys know was that Luke was watching this the whole timing. He posted it with the caption 'Ashy's little princess 👑'.

Ashton [Michael] 9:
"Ashton" you asked. "Yeah y/n" he replied. "Can I dye my hair blue?" You asked him. "Now y/n why would you want to do that?" He questioned back. "Well Michael dies his hair and I like Michael so I want to dye my hair too" you say like its the mist obvious thing ever. "Y/n I won't let you dye your hair all the way but I'm sure mom will be fine with me putting hair chalk in it, okay" "Okay" you say excitedly. You and Ashton then went out to Walmart and bought the hair chalk. He then put in on the ends of your hair. The next day Michael was over to help write songs, and you wanted to show him your hair. So, you walked behind him and jumped on his back, piggyback style. He caught you as if by instinct and turned around. "Well hello y/n" he said. "Hi Mikey, look at my hair Ashton put blur stuff in it!" "Now I'm just like you" "Wow, y/n that's really cool I love it!" He said like he was a teenage girl. You giggled at how he responded and kissed his cheek. Michael later looked on Instagram to see a picture of you and him with you kissing his check with the caption 'Michael 1 and Michael 2... Help me please! @michael5sos'
I know Ashton's is the longest but oh well 🙃. You guys are welcomed to request ideas. I hope you liked it.
Qotd : Just Saying or Heartbreak Girl?
Aotd: I kinda like Just Saying a little more than HBG but they're both amazing.

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