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Toby walked up to the door and slowly started to open it. I rushed him pushing him into bed then swiftly sinking the knife into Jeff. After stabbing Jeff you ran out of your and fly down the stairs. Hearing them yelling and running behind you you start to become a track star and SPRINT. Just about when you get to the front door you feel someone hold you from behind.

"How... Dare... You..." Someone whispered, somewhat seductively , in your ear. You started shaking then your FIGHT OR FLIGHT instinct took over and you started swinging and screaming and flailing. Then you stop when you feel a metal object on my neck.

"Jeff! DID YOU GET THAT BI--- sexy little lady..." BEN said with Toby right behind him. You then realize that your sweatshirt AND tank top were showing almost all the way to your boobs. Not only that but your pants are just about hanging on to the bottom of your hips. You blush.

"C-c-creepy... P-pasta's..." Is all you can spit out.

Toby looks at you, your eyes tearing up. "P-p-please don't kill me" you try to act innocent.

"Hmm well your a special kinda prey you have a nice body, rare blood, and you can dance pretty nicely... Wanna dance for me?" BEN said as Jeff was sorta both groping and trying to slice you.

"FUCK OFF YOU WERE WATCHING ME PERV!" You HATED Being watched, especially when you were dancing. You pushed off Jeff and pounced on Ben. You and him then start into a wrestle match. Jeff and Toby watched slightly amused while you were fighting BEN. When he got you on your back you felt his...Manhood was hard. "YOU'RE GETTING TURNED ON BY THIS?!?!"
You then kneed him in the balls.

"YAOW!!" Ben yelled. You ran out of the house to bump into.. Slenderman. You suddenly feel a strange wave of tiredness and fall backwards into a deep deep sleep.

3rd person point of view
"Woah thanks slendy.. Now i can toy with her in pea-" slenderman then slaps ben in the face. And picks up y/n with one of his tendrils.

"You are an imbecile, this is the girl of MY mission.. She is the innocence.

I an hella enjoying writing the story but no one is reading so its a win loose win ... WHATEVER I enjoy writing!!

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