Ugly!? I Don't think so!

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{No ones POV}

"That's it!!!" Kimizuki slammed his fists on the table. "This is way to boring! We need to do something else other than watching this stupid Anime!"

All heads turned towards him. "This anime isn't stupid!" Shinoa stared at Kimizuki.

He sighed. "Whatever, but, my point is, why don't we have a little fun?" He grinned.

Yuu smirked and got up from where he was sitting. "Like what?"

Kimizuki grabbed the phone and found a local pizza place number. He put the phone in Yuu's hands and smirked. "Call. And ask for their ugliest worker."

Yuu tilted his head. "Uh, okay!" He smirked as he put in each number. "Let's see how ugly we can get!"

° ° °

Ding dong!

Yuu ran to the door, opening it. In front of him was a blonde male, his hair went down to his collarbone and his eyes were a bright blue. Yuu blushed automatically. "Whhaaat? Your not ugly at all!"

The male at the door blushed and almost dropped the box in his hands. "Uh, I uh....Thanks I guess??"

Yuu slapped himself mentally for saying that stupid sentence. "Uhhh, I'm sorry." He took the box, smiling sheepishly. As Yuu looked the male up and down, he saw the badge on his shirt. It read 'hello, my name is: Mikaela'. "I uh, like your name..."

"Uhm, are you hitting on me?" Mikaela's face turned red.

"Me!?? N-No way!" Yuu backed up a bit.

"Oh, well....I'll be going...." And with that, Mikaela walked off the stoop and to his car.

Yuu closed the door.

"Great job there, Yuu-San." Shinoa smirked at Yuu, causing him to give her a death glare. "Well, you at least know his name and number."

"What do you mean number!??"

"The pizza place, Yuu-San."

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