Four: Reina's POV

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Hey guys! I got inspired at like 11pm again. Sorry not sorry, here's the next ((pretty short chapter of Blue Moon))


The woman who had housed me through the night, Lady Kagome, lead me to the well from which I came as the night was drawing to a close and the rays of the sun were just breaching the horizon and illuminating the sky.

"This will get you home Nakagawa-chan, just stand up there and jump. Just remember, if you ever want to come back - you can. The well has let you through; you're meant to travel from your world to mine. Have a safe journey."

"Thank you Lady Kagome," I bow before clambering onto the stone well. I glance back at the priestess and smile, waving before taking a deep breath and stepping into the well.

A falling sensation takes over my body for the first few moments, soon after my stomach drops and I enter some warped world of sparkling colours of many shades. This is rather weird, I feel like I'm soaring through the skies yet the world around me simply shines like a crystal of  some sort.

I pass through some sort of barrier - ears popping and stomach dropping. Sitting at the bottom of a considerably darker place I sit at the bottom, rubbing my stomach and longing for a glass of water. I groan, getting to my feet and scrambling to get my way out of the slightly shallower well, hoisting myself out after a few attempts, hoping to avoid passing through back to that other world where everything seems archaic and twisted. Why did those guys have dog ears again? Did Lady Kagome even mention those kids? Nothing was really touched on except for the idea that that night was dangerous and only demons and those with great powers could wander around to protect the people from threats. What a weird world to be in.

Having thrown myself back through the well at the Higurashi Shrine, I opt to go home. It's still rather dark outside, but just like in that other world, it is dark and sunrise is drawing near. The city is slowly stretching its sluggish limbs and preparing for the weekend ahead, just as I should be. I'm bound to be in trouble when I arrive home. I was meant to have got back by six pm, so unless Aki-chan was able to muster up an intricate excuse for my absence, I'm going to be grounded for all eternity.

I stop, the glass in a shop window catching my eye, is that my reflection? Do I really look that messy? My jaw drops as I study my appearance. I'm in a state! The two ponytails I have on each side of my head that my parents affectionately nicknamed 'poochie ears' have gone into total disarray. One has completely fallen out! The other is tufty and sticking out at odd angles. I look like some wannabe punk rocker. My hair is shaggy, and scraggily; tufts sticking out at odd angles with ridiculous strands standing out - I look like some sort of anime protagonist! It's ridiculous!

Rummaging through the satchel I had discarded before diving into the well at the shrine, I come across my mobile phone, regarding my messages as more important than the state of my hair, I flip my phone open and check what abuse awaits me from my parents and from Aki-chan.

'Reina, are you sleeping over at Akira's house tonight? Your father and I cannot remember for the life of us!'

'Reina! Answer your phone!'

'That's it! I'm calling Akira!'

'Rei-chan!?! I just lied to your mum! You had better have a good excuse for not coming home!'

'You're officially sleeping at my house tonight!'

'Your mum and dad are picking you up at midday!'

'Okay, you're ignoring ME now! That's rich! This guy had better be hot!'

Trust Takahashi Akira, seriously! She just had to assume that I had spent the night with a guy! Does she really think so lowly of me? I guess that thinking I had slept with some random guy makes more sense than what actually happened to me though, I mean really! I was transported to some sort of alternate timeline that looked like Feudal Japan!

'I'm going to watch that new K-Drama without you Rei-chan! Hurry to mine and I MIGHT consider re-watching the episodes! I will NOT sleep until you arrive at my house!'

'Call me when you get to the door so I can let you in!'

Takahashi Aki-chan really is the best friend that a girl could want! Her parents travel a LOT for work, leaving her older siblings, Emi and Souchi, and his fiancé Kiyoko her primary caregivers. They have always been absolutely fine with my coming and going, mainly because my parents have always bought extra groceries for me to deliver to the Takahashi household when they were struggling. They've always appreciated my family and I have always appreciated theirs.

Turning on my heel, I move back towards the Higurashi Shrine and past it to get to the Takahashi household which is just across town. She is NOT going to believe the night I just had!

Takahashi Aki-chan is the founding member of the "There's-No-Way-That-That's-A-Third-Year-Club", with a very youthful and cherubic appearance. Despite Aki-chan's scarily youthful face, she is also rather sinister and not at all innocent. That girl. That girl has written some of the most disgustingly explicit pieces of fanfiction my eyes have come across, and drawn some of the most sinful and biologically accurate fanart that the internet has ever seen! She wants to major in biology, and her talents of drawing anatomy really do shine through, but that's not the only reason that I fear her. She is the Vice Captain of the Yamashida Fencing Club, of which I am a member, and the treasurer. We're a club compiled of both guys and girls, and we're nationally acclaimed. Trophies decorate the club room.

Slowly, the sun begins to rise above the cityscape. The sky is a blend of salmon and orange, practically cloudless, according to my phone it's seventeen minutes to eight. I punch in Aki-chan's number as I descend the hill that her house is at the bottom of.

"Rei-chan? You almost at my house?" her voice is quiet, strained by sleep deprivation. There's no doubt in my mind that this girl wasted the entirety of her Friday night watching Korean Dramas.

"Yep," I reply.

"You've got a LOT of explaining to do!"

"I know," I nod my head, watching as the front door of her house swings open and Aki-chan waves to me with a yawn.

Blue Moon ((2nd Gen Inuyasha Fanfic))Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon