Chapter 1

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Evan told me two days ago to say goodbye. He said I had to come here to this boarding school, and that he couldn't tell me why. I fussed and complained at first, and he told me that I was old enough now to be on my own, as in, he needs time to help new Angels adjust. He also told me that being on my own would help, and that he'd check in with me every couple of days. Thank God he's still going to let me talk to Wren and Caleb, two Angels who work with Evan to help Angels with the transition. It was actually Wren who told Evan that I had qualities and then Evan agreed, or so they say. I don't remember being human. I mean, I remember my childhood, school friends, pets, parents, etc, but the feeling of being human has been erased completely from my memory. I suppose being an Angel isn't totally bad, you get cool powers that are super-hard to master and eternal youth and beauty, but I just hate the staring. And the Demons. Don't forget the Demons. Then again, Demons are not something you easily forget. Evan had handed me a stack of papers and put me on a plane, watching me board and then driving away. I could follow the car as I sat in my seat, waiting. Flying on a plane was nothing like flying in real life. I missed the wind in my hair and the way my wings felt as I glided over crystal clear water. We were only allowed to fly over the forest nearby at night though. We couldn't risk being seen.

Anyway, back to the original point. He had sent me here to go to human school. Like with actual humans and everything! I mean, I'd been to school with Caleb and Wren for almost six months now, and the school was human, but living with them! He said that now I had control of my powers, I needed to be able to interact with humans on a regular basis. Regular seems to be code for 24/7 with the Angelic. I sighed and remembered the argument between us. He had told me that I needed to grow up and accept what I was, and that he knew I could handle it or he'd keep me there. I remember Wren jumping in at that point, telling me gently that at some time, everyone had to leave. I'd cried, yelled and screamed, and had been locked in my room until I'd "cooled down," and then had clung to Evan like a small child. He'd carried me back to my bed, stroked my hair and told me that everything would be okay. I'd apologized, so had he, and then we'd gone on as if nothing had happened. Now here I am, in the last place on Earth I wanted to be. We drove through an archway/gate with the words Brooklyn State Academy written in big letters on the brick building. Right above the door. I paid the cabbie, grabbed my suitcases and backpack, and hauled everything into the foyer. I walked up to the woman at the front desk. She had greying hair pulled back into a tight bun with blue eyes.

"Can I help you?" she asked.

"I'm Natalya Kasatya- the new girl. My brother Evan would have called yesterday."

The woman nodded and tapped something into her computer.

"Yes, your room is number 21. You're roommate's name is Emmalina. Sign these forms and I'll be back, okay?"

I nodded and clicked a pen so that the tip came out. I scanned through the document, understanding the majority of it and signing it, placing the pen back into the cup and stretching. She came back with a stack of papers.

"What are all of these?"

"So, these are about programs we run, sports you can apply to take and your subjects that you can choose. Come back with this sheet tomorrow with the classes you want to take and I'll do you a timetable up, okay?"

I nodded.

"Thankyou. My brother ordered books and stationary for me, also a few uniforms, where can I get those?"

"Oh, sorry dear! I almost forgot. I'll grab them for you."

She handed me a huge box of things, which I lowered to the floor.

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