(Chapter 38) At the mountain

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~Henry's POV~

Me and Ray were walking for quite a while, plus I was starting to think we where lost, and during our walk through the forest we saw some icicles hanging on some willows like a wind-chime, or a shandelier

I never thought how winter could be so beautiful, and as beautiful as Emma

What am I saying? I have a girlfriend now

"Winter could be so beautiful, maybe with some color, how about maroon, or crimson, or yellow, wait yellow in winter blah no way", said a strange voice

We looked around to see who's voice was that, then we saw a little walking snowman with small two front teeth sticking out of his mouth

Ray kicked his head off in fear, then we started tossing his head like a ball, later on we put him back together

"Now I'm perfect", he said

"Almost", I said pulling a carrot out of Ray's food and supply bag

"Thank you, now I'm pefrect, now lets just start this thing over. Hi everyone, I'm Olaf, and I like warm hugs", he said

Wow, I never knew how much of a Disney Frozen gal Emma could be

"Hi Olaf, I'm Kid Danger, and this is my boss, Captain Man", I said introducing myself and Ray to Olaf, and it's a good thing that I didn't tell him our real names, cause I don't know if we can trust him yet

"Did uh, Emma build you?", I said

"Yeah. Why?", he said

"Can you take us to her?", I said

"Yeah. Why?", he said

"I'll tell you why, we need Emma to bring back summer", said Ray

"Summer?", said Olaf with curiosity, and yet he knew what summer was

"Oh I don't know why but I always love the idea of summer, and sun, and all things hot....", said Olaf with his curious face that made him look so lovable

"I'm gonna tell him", said Ray

"Don't you dare", I said

"Emma's this way, LETS GO BRING BACK SUMMER!!!!", Olaf said with exitement

"Somebody's gotta tell him", said Ray whispering it to me

~Back at the castle~
~Charlotte's POV~

I was still at the castle cause as a best friend I am to wait for my friend's to come back

I saw the chief of the Swellview police force giving out blankets, Jackets, and anything to keep everyone warm, cause it was getting colder

The Chief is to stay in charge of the place until the queen returns, he even announced that there is soup, and warm food in the castle

Then a man from the mountains came, he held a helmet in his hands, it was Henry's

"Oh my God, that's Henry Hart's helmet, my son", said Siren freaking out, then fainting

"Henry Hart is in danger, I need some men to volunteer and come with me", said the chief

"I volunteer two men chief", said the guy who called Emma a monster

I recognized him, I took a closer look on his face, and saw that it was Dr. Minyak, I heard him say that his men must capture the queen, and bring him to his secret layer for experiments

I tried to text him, and call him, but I forgot that there was no signal

I had to think of some other way, fast

~Henry's POV~

"So what are you planning to do?", said Ray

"I'm gonna talk to her", I said

"Ok", he said

"Then tell her who I really am", I said

"Hey, no way kid, remember? If the secret gets out again then your fired", he said

"Dude, she's your niece, its bad enough that you've been hiding secrets from the two people you love in the world", I said

"I'm ready to tell her, maybe is it just that your not ready?", I added

"Awkward", said Olaf

~At the mountain~

We finally made it to Mt. Swellview, I wanted to get to the castle and see her

"It's too steep, I've only got one rope and you don't know how to climb mountain's kid", said Ray

"Says who?", I said while making an attempt in climbing

"What are you doing?", said Ray

"I'm-g-oing..to se-e, Emma", I said while climbing

"Are you sure?", said Ray

"Why yes", I said

"You know, people who usually disappear into the mountains wanna be alone", said Ray

"Well, she can't be alone", I said

"And why do you care?", he said

Then I said something that was raelly off topic

"Please tell me I'm almost there?", I said

But I was barely there

"Does the air seem a bit thin to you up here?", I said

"Hang on kid", said Ray

"Hey Captain Man, not knowing that this is gonna help, bit I found a staircase that can lead exactly to where you want us to go", said Olaf

"Haha thank goodness", I said while carefully getting down to the ground

A Frozen love story (A Henry Danger fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now