Bragging Rights

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A/n: I hate doing authors notes, especially on the first chapter, but it's important for the book.
Since this book will be in your pov, it's only fair if you end up with who you'd like. The rules are: you can vote on this chapter by commenting the name you'd like to end up with. To keep the ending anonymous, I will delete them after they are posted. Non-voting comments will be kept. You can also vote on the chapter of the person you want, please comment their name there too.
Please don't be angry if you don't end up with the member you love (I love all of them), it's majority vote and it'll stay that way.
Voting will be closed one week after Sanha's chapter is posted. Please get your votes in by then.
I will be making a second book with the member with the most votes/comments.
Don't forget to comment and vote! ^^
You want me to, what?!" You exclaim, staring at the pre-debut group Astro with an surprised expression.
"We all want to go on one date with you." Jinwoo repeats calmly, like that's a completely normal thing to ask a close friend.
"Wae?" You question.
Myungjun pipes up, "because our contract states that we can't date anybody when we debut, we all want to go on a date before we debut and we thought of you because you're one of our closest friends."
You direct your attention to Dongmin, who shifts uncomfortably with your intense gaze. "And you're okay with this?"
He meets your gaze fearlessly, "I also want to go on a date before I'm forbidden to. We all trust you and we know it won't be awkward if you're with us."
You regard each person's hopeful expression for a few seconds before sighing heavily. "What will I get in return?"
Myungjun grins widely. "Bragging rights that you went on a date with each member of ASTRO."
Dongmin steps forwards and begins to explain after you agree. "The details are simple. You'll go on one date with each of us, ordering from oldest to youngest. We are not allowed to kiss you, no matter the circumstances." Dongmin says, pacing in front of the other members like a drill sergeant about to give a order. "We are allowed to take you anywhere for the date, but we have to bring you back by ten at the latest. Nobody is allowed to stay the night at your house." Dongmin says to you while staring sternly at each of the members. "You will have one date on each day of the week, starting on Monday, tomorrow. That's it for the rules." Dongmin finishes and steps back to observe if everybody understands and agrees to the rules.
Everybody nods, including you.
"You can go home." Dongmin states as if he's dismissing a class early.
You walk towards the door, only to turn when you feel somebody grab your arm.
"(Y/n), our date's tomorrow. I'll pick you up around 4:30, okay?" Myungjun grins eagerly at you.
You gently remove his arm and return the smile except with less enthusiasm. "I'll see you then." You wave as you walk out the door, headed home.

Six Dates in Six Days (Reader x ASTRO)Where stories live. Discover now