Chapter 2

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I barely had time to get out my gun before the wall behind us exploded with fire. Me and Matt ran behind some of the explosives and kept quiet trying to control our breathing. I could feel them in the room. And the air was heavy with smoke and their urge to kill us. I put my finger up to my cracked and bloodied lips and signalled for Matt to be quiet. I stood up since there was just enough of the crates on top of each other to cover my height of 5"5'. I held my long hair out of my face as I peeked around the corner. I saw their silhouettes in front of the fire and quickly retreated before they could catch me. Their long claws scraped the ground and I shivered at the repulsive sound, knowing that their claws resembled my long nails. I crouched down to Matt.

"I can see their leader standing closest to us on the right near the door. He almost saw me so he's the strongest. Matty I need you to take him down with your gun while I handle the rest. Just distract the leader." I whispered so quietly that Matt could barely hear me. But if I whispered any louder they would know our plan.

Matt nodded and we both stood. We stood back to back and I reached over to quickly squeeze his hand. He squeezed back and I knew we were both ready. I felt him jump away from me and shoot his gun at the Kapara (A/N thats the name for the aliens, I didn't say it in the first chapter because I didnt know what to call them). The gun made a loud banging sound that rang in my sensitive ears.  I was in no hurry as I sauntered out from my cover. I heard a Kapara scream and run towards me. Game on.

The Kapara swung out its arm and started to claw at my neck. I took my hands and placed them on his forearm and pulled it to my knee as hard as I could. I heard the bone break and let it go. The Kapara swore and screamed. I smiled at him and kicked him hard at his knees and heard them crack too. 

" You little bitch!" he cried as he fell to his knees. with his head now at waist height I took out my gun and aimed in between his eyes and pulled the trigger.  I didn't look away as the purpleish green color oozed out of his head and he fell backwards onto the warehouse floor. I suddenly felt disgusted. Thats just like you. You killed one of your own kind.  I heard a voice in my head say. I looked away from his already molding body on the ground feeling confused. 

"Clara!" I heard Matt scream. I looked over at him standing over the dead body of the Kapara's group leader and saw him looking behind me in fear. I quickly turned around to see the remaining three Kapara looking at me with empty eyes. I was tired of this. I took out my gun and shot the biggest one in the head before any of them made a move to attack me. He fell to the ground with a thump and the other two  had shocked faces which quickly morphed into angry ones. I felt Matt by my side and he charged the one on the right taking his gun and shooting the Kapara's left knee, and shortly following with its right. I knew he could handle him so I took on the other. I ran the opposite way getting him to follow me. I was fast but so was he and he was quickly catching up with me. I ran behind a explosive crate that was near the door and waited for him to get closer.

"Come out come out wherever you are," I heard the raspy voiced Kapara taunt. I looked around the warehouse and saw Matt watching me from where the Kapara he just finished was molding. I silently motioned for him to meet me outside. He left quickly and silently through the non existent wall that the Kapara's burned, knowing what I was planning. After Matty was out of the building I kicked one of the crates "accidentaly" to let the Kapara know where I was. I heard him chuckle and choke out "caught yah". Good. I heard him start to crackle. He was getting ready to throw fire at me, and the crates. The explosive crates. I silently ran to another clump of crates and went from crate to crate as I made my way to the same exit that Matt used. I jumped out of the warehouse into the chilly Fall air outside. The moon shined on me as I ran for cover in the trees. I was at the forest line when the warehouse exploded and threw me into the air. I landed near a large evergreen tree and tried to get up as my ears where ringing and my vision was foggy. I stumbled through the trees to where I thought Matt would be waiting for me, but he wasn't there.

"Dammit Matty" I swore. For all I know he could've been found by another group of Kapara and already be dead. "Shit" I swore again but louder this time. My combat boots crunched the dead leaves underneath me as I walked deeper into the woods. After walking for a few minutes I heard the crunching of leaves behind me. I pulled out my gun and aimed at the familiar face. "MATT!" I screamed and threw myself into his arms. He swore but hugged me back just as tight. "Where the hell were you?!"

"I could ask you the same thing, Clara!"

"I was looking for you, you jerk!" I playfully shoved his shoulder pushing him back. He smirked and tackled me into the grass and leaves. I started to laugh and squirm around until I noticed he wasn't moving anymore. I looked up into his deep brown eyes and saw him staring at me with a smile on his face. My face went red as I saw him look from my eyes down to lips. He started to lean in and I couldn't move. I was frozen! Shit Clara think! He's your best friend! You cant kiss him! I thought to myself quickly as he was only a breath away from his lips touching mine. 

"Umm, we should find supper!" I said nervously and loudly, turning my head away from him.

"Yah good plan" he said after being silent for a moment. He rolled off of me and got up quickly and held out his hand. His face was flushed and so was mine. I took his hand and he pulled me up fast and we quickly let go, facing away from each other. 

" What do you want to eat tonight?" he asked me finally turning around. 

"I'm really craving pizza." I said smiling at him.

"Of course you are, fatty."

"Oh like your one to talk!" I then went on about his terrible eating habits as he and I continued to walk through the woods. But I was still thinking. About the fight. About the almost kiss. Was it a possibility that I liked Matt? In these past screwed up years I never even thought about liking boys. Anyways boys thought I was a freak because of my abilities. But not Matty. He was always there for me. Maybe things are different now in the world, well obviously. But maybe boys would like me better now because I am a girl who's survived this far. And I'm assuming that's pretty rare. I never get to see anybody but Matt, so maybe after three years of no other people I'm going crazy? Matt and I are now walking near the edge of steep hill looking for a place to sleep that is discrete and away from the usual places we see Kaparas. I'm still lost in thought when I bump into him, not even realizing that he stopped. 

"Matt? What's going on?" I walk around to face him and he looks like he's seen a ghost. I follow where his eyes are going and I see a bonfire and hear laughter. Happy laughter. I look closer and then I see them. People.

A/N: Sorry that the fight scence might've been confusing for some of you. But I needed to write it and I didn't want it to take up to much time in the story. I really hope you like it and I am going to try to make each chapter as long as I can but since it's summer I'm going to be busy and will only update it when I can. Thanks! (also I have another story called Accidents so please check it out)


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