"Never mind. When has this been happening... When the fuck did it even start?!" I asked confused. They both stood shocked and Twiggy just looked down at the floor, "We have a class together an—" I interrupted him when he started explaining, "I don't even care. You lied to me about this for god knows how long and I'm always standing in the cold waiting for you just to find out that you're up here with your tongue down his throat!" I retorted glaring down at both of them.

"But it's okay when you have yours down Caleb's, right?" She stormed out the room and I was left puzzled because of what she had said. "I thought you was gay?" Olivia asked, I giggled a little and told him to get out of the house.

"Did you hear what she said?" I asked referring to the smart ass comeback Twiggy had said, she nodded.

"Well, don't you think that you're overreacting a little bit?" She gulped, I side eyed her and she raised her eyebrows, "What? I'm not. She's my little sister and she's out here doing stuff like that." I replied.

"She's 16, Tavia not 6. All she did was kiss the boy. I had my first kiss when I was 7 my real one at 12. Just talk to her about it in a calm way." She explained. I heard a car horn outside and figured it was Caleb, we raced downstairs and out the door and into his car. Twiggy was already sitting in the back seat when we entered the car.

"Wassup Olivia" He greeted her, "Hi" she greeted him back.

"Hey babe" He leaned in and waited for me to lean in so we could kiss once he realized that I wasn't going to he pulled back and started the car. The ride was awkwardly quite and weird. I wanted to ask Twiggy more questions about her and Reese and the fact he was practically an adult and she was only 16. Maybe i was overreacting but then again I don't think i was.

"Okay, fuck wrong with yall this morning?" He joked parking the car in the school parking lot. None of us said anything.

"That's what wrong with you females" He murmured but, we all heard him clearly.

"Well, I'm not apart of this and I have to get to class. Bye." Olivia left the car and started walking towards the school and Twiggy followed right behind her. I tried to open the door but, Caleb had already locked it. I crossed my arm and watched the kids past by.

"What's wrong?" He calmly asked.

"Nothing." I lied.

"You sure?" He asked looking at me.

"Yes" I lied again.

"Okay, If you say nothing is wrong. I believe you." He claimed. I nodded at him, "Can you unlock it now?" I asked softly.

"Sure but, first..." He leaned in and tried to kiss me again but I stopped him, "Sorry just not in the mood" I stated and he unlocked the door and let me out. As I walked to the front doors of Monroe I started thinking about how I just treated Caleb and I felt really bad about it and I wanted to go back and talk to him but when I turned around his car wasn't there anymore.


"Someone said they saw Rico there with him" I spoke quietly trying not blow her cover.

"You have to get close, baby. Find out where he was, talk to his friends, and do whatever it takes." She grabbed the coffee from the cashier table and lowered her hat.

"I heard he is dating Octavia now" She put in while walking out the cafe and I following close behind her.

"I don't really care" I rolled my eyes. I didn't think Tavia and him were the perfect fit and I actually wasn't worried because, they weren't a perfect match and it wouldn't take long before Tavia finds out that he still traps and they get into this big argument and break up. He'll come back crawling to me. They always do.

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