Chapter 4

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Draco's POV:

We were in Transfiguration. And i had it with Hermione. Every time she looked over at me(usually because Professor McGonagall walked over here) i gave her a wide smile, which she, though looking uncertain, still returned.

I could feel my heart warm up, and i hated to admit it, and i knew, whoever i told - Potter, Weasley, Mum, Dad, and everyone else - no matter who i told, unless it was Hermione herself, would never understand...

I loved her. With all my heart, and NO ONE i knew, her friends or mine(and even some people i didn't know) would understand the feeling of knowing there was a bigger chance i couldn't have her than there was that we could be together.

I sat there, staring at her sleek, beautiful hair, until Professor McGonagall snapped my attention. Literally. I had heard a large whip crack, and felt a sharp pain on the back of my head, turning to see a large leather whip floating in midair. I rubbed the spot on my head as i heard the professor's voice snap at me.

"MALFOY!!! What are you looking at!?" before i had a chance to even think of an answer, she shouted, "Turn that book into a bird. NOW!" i pulled out my wand and pointed it at the ratty old book.

"Mutatio," i muttered. The book transformed, but into something completely different... A scarlet-red rose, with hints of brown on its petals.

I looked at Hermione; her eyes had widened, gaping at the rose, and i saw the color of them... A deep scarlet color, with hints of brown...


Hermione's POV:

That tree beside the lake had become Ron's favorite spot to meet me. I didn't mind, but it worried me, because i so often saw Draco at another tree, a few yards away, looking so longingly in my direction, and i so wanted him to be next to me...

Ron & i had lay down next to the tree one day, looking at the clear blue sky. I couldn't think of a moment less awkward to ask a question, so i came right out.

"...Have you ever thought you felt something for someone, but know you should be feeling it for someone else?" Ron was silent, thinking. I rolled off his chest, arms on my stomach, laying on my back, hand in his, and looked at the sky.

It took a minute or two, but he finally answered, "You mean like falling in love?" I smiled, turned my head towards him, and with a sweet voice, whispered,

"Yeah, bit." He smiled back at me, asking,

"What, you thought it was Harry?" he let out a small laugh. "Understandable. He's our best mate, after all." I blushed. That wasn't at ALL who i meant. Harry & I were best friends, almost brother and sister.

Nothing more. I, for one, was talking about DRACO.

I looked over at him, sitting at the next tree. He'd been reading, when he looked up at me with interest, grinning broadly, and i felt guilt, with a sharp pain in my chest, like my heart had just broken in two.

How would i tell Ron, one of the few people of whom i cared for with all my heart, that i loved his mortal enemy?

How could i, when doing so, i would lose Ron forever, when it would hurt us both?

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