A Sleepover and Secrets...

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After school, you were slowly walking to the hotel around the corner where you were stopping until you had the money to buy a house. Suddenly you heard someone shout your name. You turned and looked to see Sam and Taurtis on the other side of the street.
"You can come and stop at ours if you like y/n!!!" Sam shouted. You thought about it.
"Okay!" you yelled back and walked across the road after grabbing your stuff from the hotel. As the three of you walked back to Sam's and Taurtis' house you were thinking how bad it would be if you had another one of your 'insane' moments in front of the guys.
Finally you reached their house and Sam unlocked the door. When you were inside Taurtis began making everyone hot chocolate. You and the boys played some gamecrab together and then Sam asked the question you had been thinking.
"Where's y/n gonna sleep? On the sofa?"
"Yeah, S'pose so," Taurtis replied. Sam frowned.
"Well, I don't want her to be lonely down here so I'll get the sleeping bag and sleep down here."
"Fine," Taurtis said.
"Uh okay," you sighed, wishing you could be alone in case your dradow decided to come and have a chat. But you couldn't be rude so Sam got the sleeping bag and set it up on the floor and you curled up on the sofa. Taurtis went to his room to sleep.
"So y/n, how's life treating ya?" Sam asked kindly.
"Fine I gue- owwww!" A searing pain raced through your veins. The feeling of an incoming conversation with your dradow.
"What is it?!" Sam asked. You couldn't answer because before you stood you, except it wasn't you, but it looked like you. Sam gazed at you with a look of terror. Could he see it? Your dradow? Only other insane people could see them. Was Sam like you? Then you noticed something. Another dark form. One with bunny ears.

Insane like him?... Insane Samgladiator x reader | Yandere High SchoolUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum